Aye same, won't get any cheaper also since it's on a daily deal. Tempting though but it's a chunk of my sale budget.I was hoping Darkest Dungeon would be half price, really want that game.
"There was a problem trying to join a game. Please try again later."
I don't know what they were thinking, they barely manage to keep steam running during the sales, and they decide to add this...
Not sure what I'm meant to be doing, I click on them lots and their health goes down, but then it stops and nothing happens even when I click on them. Don't know if I'm doing it wrong or its just screwed.
Is the Metro Redux package worth it? I should add that I already have the first title.
Getting really annoyed with this mini game now.... I keep clicking... I don't see progress... F5 F5 F5... repeat
I have 2033 also, but I'm still going for it. £7 is fine for me as it includes Last Light too (was on my wishlist).
But yet... I can't. Stop. Clicking. Arghghghhhhh!