Steam sale

Massive fail on the Monster game - cannot play it.
"There was a problem trying to join a game. Please try again later."

Every time. Oh well, guess I'll play a proper game instead. What's it like for those who are allowed play it?
I don't know what they were thinking, they barely manage to keep steam running during the sales, and they decide to add this...

Not sure what I'm meant to be doing, I click on them lots and their health goes down, but then it stops and nothing happens even when I click on them. Don't know if I'm doing it wrong or its just screwed.


have to keep F5'ing whenever it freezes
I see the usual Steam bs has begun already. I bought GTAV on Steam literally yesterday for 91NZD, today it's marked down from '116NZD' to 87. Wonder what other 'specials' lurk there.
Great so when this mini game stops working you lose all your upgrades? Had level 8 auto click and now its back to 0 :rolleyes:.
I have 2033 also, but I'm still going for it. £7 is fine for me as it includes Last Light too (was on my wishlist).

If we buy one between us, we can then swap games, e.g. you can play 2033 while I play Last Light?

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picked up some things i've meant to buy for a while

LA noire MAx payne 3 both for 4.99 i think

won't play either till after the sale so i can refund them if they go on silly offer
£22 spent so far but grabbed Metro and Mass Effect bundles. Both on wishlist, quite happy with the deals for them. Also, HL2 for about £2?? Amaze.
Homeworld remastered for a tenner?
Great deal I think.

I think i'll budget around £50 for this sale, should be enough.
I think I might be a rare one that actually plays the games :P
Can anyone recommend games on sale that are good fro kids, need some new games for my nephew who is 4

Atm he plays F1 race stars and the next car game:wreckfast physics preview test arena thing.

He manages just about but thats his limit really, just driving a car around. i'm open to suggestions to other games people have let family of a similar age play.
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