Steam Summer sale - 19-30th June

As a new pc gamer this is what ive bought so far

Batman Arkham City GOTY
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Batman Arkham Origins
Arma II: Combined Operations
The Wolf Among Us
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate
Fallout 3 - Game of the Year
BioShock Triple Pack
Assassin's Creed II: Deluxe Edition
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed 3 Deluxe Edition
Far Cry 3 - Deluxe
The Witcher 2
State of Decay
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Collector's Bundle
The Orange Box

got about 11 quid left to spend and was thinking off
alan wake
tropico 4 collectors bundle
star wars kotor 2

What do u guys think? Anything else u would recommend
Alan Wake is something everyone should play even if only once.

But you've missed out Borderlands 1 + 2. They are excellent, too. :D
Well... I've done it. Just bought two of the best games of another generation for £2 odd:

System Shock 2 and Deus Ex.

I don't consider myself a graphics whore but all the same I know the fact that they are dated will push them to the back of my 'to play' queue. That, and I completed Deus Ex when it was new. System Shock 2 will be a new experience however.
Well... I've done it. Just bought two of the best games of another generation for £2 odd:

System Shock 2 and Deus Ex.

I don't consider myself a graphics whore but all the same I know the fact that they are dated will push them to the back of my 'to play' queue. That, and I completed Deus Ex when it was new. System Shock 2 will be a new experience however.

Make sure you mod System Shock 2. :)
Some like it. I thought it was repetitive and dull. It's a game with one gimmick that then forces you to use that one gimmick for about 16 hours. Or until you get very, very bored.

Yes, it does have some dull moments but the whole experience was worth it in the end. The graphics are very pretty.
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