Steam Summer Sale 2011

CS:S and Quake deals are ace, but most of us probably have them. If you haven't, and like shooters - BUY! :D

Otherwise there looks to be little for me today, for which I am actually quite grateful. :D
Here we go. Not a great day for me I already have most of those.

Will be getting Sanctum. I hear CoH is good???

At £0.89 Audiosurf is well worth it even though it gives me motion sickness.

just get tales of valour you get full multiplayer content no need for anything else if you don't want the single player campaigns

coh is the best rts ever made
Company of Heroes is a brilliant game, recommend it :)

I haven't played CSS ever! Will it be worth it? (worried its just going to be full of elite players who have played for years) I'm not to shabby at FPS though.

Might buy Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light as well.
Sanctum is a great game at that price, they've added 4 player co-op too and the 4 pack is only £6.65 which is about £1.64 for it or so.

Company of Heroes must buy game at that price if you like rts games, probably best ever made on pc or one of them.

Risen is worth that price, i haven't got very far into it but so far it's a decent rpg though it can be very tough at the start of the game and the atmosphere is really good in it.
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