Steam Summer Sale 2011

Ah youre right they havent done metro yet, must have been another sale. Possibly easter?

summer deals so far

Street Fighter IV
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Tomb Raider Franchise
Command & Conquer Franchise
Dead Rising 2
Quake Collection
Counter Strike
Cities XL 2011
Company of Heroes Complete Pack

Killing Floor
Left 4 Dead Franchise
Batman: Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year
Sims 3 Franchise
Gothic Franchise
Far Cry Franchise
King's Bounty Franchise
Lost Planet 2
GTA 4 Complete
Atom Zombie Smasher

Monday Night Combat
Civ V Franchise
NFS Shift 2 Unleashed
King Arthur Franchise
Secret of Monkey Island Bundle
Stalker Franchise
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Deus Ex 1 GOTY and Deus Ex Invisible War
Wings of Prey
Guild Wars: Complete
Beat Hazard
AI War

Fallout New Vegas Franchise
Mount & Blade Franchise
Serious Sam HD
Doom Complete Pack
Bionic Commando
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Alpha Protocol
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Frozen Synapse

Last edited:
Assassin's Creed franchise
Dragon Age franchise
Two Worlds II
Men of War: Assault Squad
Arma II Franchise
Kane & Lynch franchise
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 series
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Sniper: Ghost Warrior
Tropico 3 Gold
Defense Grid

Plants vs Zombies
Fable III and DLCs
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Bioshock Franchise
Resident Evil 5
Football Manager 2011
Aliens vs. Predator and DLCs
Half Life Franchise
Super Meat Boy

Call of Duty: Black Ops
GTA Classics
Star Wars: (KOTOR, Force Unleashed 2, Battlefront II, Empire at War)
The Heroes Pack
Devil May Cry 4
Just Cause 1 & 2
Hamilton's Great Adventure

Back to the Future
Dawn of War II: Retribution
The Witcher 2
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Medal of Honor
Borderlands Franchise
Elder Scrolls Oblivion GOTY
Lead & Gold
Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition
BIT.TRIP Franchise
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Anyone have anything to say about the Tomb Raider Anniversary, Legend and Underworld?

Anniversary is a nice game if you ever played the first ever Tomb Raider in 1996 or so you will like it quite a bit due to some of the levels being similar, Legend was decent but not as good as it seemed a bit rushed compared and Underworld was probably the best of the lot.

If you like Prince of Persia games you will enjoy them.
Anniversary is a nice game if you ever played the first ever Tomb Raider in 1996 or so you will like it quite a bit due to some of the levels being similar, Legend was decent but not as good as it seemed a bit rushed compared and Underworld was probably the best of the lot.

If you like Prince of Persia games you will enjoy them.

Cheers, Prince of Persia is actually on my Wishlist :D. Might take a punt at Underworld then, cheers :).
Is the co-op any good on DeadRising 2?

The co-op is a blast, one of the games redeeming features imo.

Not much for me today, looking at Sanctum and Risen, anyone played either?

Sanctum is really fun co-op FPS/TD (2player atm, 4player support being added apparently.) It revolves around building a maze and using towers / weapons to kill the enemy waves.

Maps are limited though.

I have 18 hours co-op clocked up on steam, but I doubt it would hold my interest in solo play.

EDIT - ah 4player has been added.
is it worth getting CoH the complete pack? or shall i just stick with coh and see if i like it ^.^

I suppose you've watched some Youtube lets play videos?
I would say go buy the whole pack but I already own CoH and Opposing Fronts and I love the campaign. You can also vs bots if you're like me and not very good at micromanagement :p
mmm Risen is bugged atm, only takes 66% of not the 75%. Might pick that up if they sort the pricing.

Oh and I got Citys XL as my gf likes them sorta games :p
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