Steam Summer Sale 2011

ME1 is being bought (when the pages load) I've been waiting for that one on steam, rather than running from the disk.
Personally I wouldn't bother with the DLC for Mafia2, I didn't like it. Main game is well worth a punt for £5.

Is the ME2 DLC on the offer? Steam keeps erroring for me...-101.
So if I purchase ME2, then I still need to pay for the DLCs, does steam sell those at all, or do I buy elsewhere?

Digital deluxe, only 40% off.... still £17.99, that doesn't even contain the DLCs does it? Just one?
I'd only be buying Splinter Cell, Chaos Theory and Double Agent. Conviction is an alight game by itself but it's not Splinter Cell really.

Of those the best is Chaos Theory but the price for the pack is still very much worth it :)
Is this pack worth buying for £13.58 ???

Yes definately worth it if you never played any of these before & Chaos Theory even looks good today as it has a lot of decent Shader Model 3.0 FX. Cannot see Pandora Tomorrow in there though.............
Is Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition really worth £17.99 compared to the standard edition at £6.80?

Steam says it "includes exclusive in-game items, digital art book, digital comic book, and more!" so I'm guessing the answer is no :p
Really tempted to get ME1 and 2 (have never played either) and get Fallout 3 (played on 360 but my brother had it for another 5 weeks.. Also really annoyed that the prices ares coming up in Euros. I am at my gf's parents flat but still my account was created in the UK and i've bought tons of games in the uk for it..
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