Steam Summer Sale 2011

this sale has been pretty disappointing, the games seem much the same as the last one and its like digging through old ground again..the indie side has been pretty lacking aswell. :(

i know a sales a sale but still its would have been nice to see something completely crazy and reduced as apposed to the old tried and tested games that have been in every sale since time began
Fallout 3 is great: anyone who doesn't have it should get it, mod it and love it. The DLCs are good too (mostly).

Empire Total War is rubbish. My advice: AVOID. :D

I'd buy Amnesia, but I'm far too scared :(

Amnesia is really scary, i want to play it but after seeing the trailer and doing the start bit, its just been sitting on my steam list
Hmm pondering Fallout 3..

Could someone sum it up and give the positives of it?
I like open world, but i'm not much of a FPS kinda person..

Well I'm going to have to purchase Worms Reloaded, I loved playing the original on the PS 1 all those years ago with friends mid week till the early hours. :)
Dirt 3 - Yes or no? Only have a xbox controller though :(

its ok , get it cheaper elsewhere tho
Hmm pondering Fallout 3..

Could someone sum it up and give the positives of it?
I like open world, but i'm not much of a FPS kinda person..


its an open world fps? lol
go read a review...should tell you everything you need to know! imo one of the best games i have ever played in my life
Hoping the witcher 2 comes back on a daily deal at the end of the sale, finally got around to playing the first one properly so would be good to follow on
I bought fall out new vegas + dlc is it worth getting fallout 3 as well?

Yes. Some prefer it over NV.

Hmm pondering Fallout 3..

Could someone sum it up and give the positives of it?
I like open world, but i'm not much of a FPS kinda person..


You don't have to play it as an FPS, you can use VATS which transforms it into an active RPG of sorts. The atmosphere is fantastic and it's a very long game with loads to do.
I'm tempted by the Fallout 3 goty. It will only be to play the one remaining DLC that I haven't yet tried, Mothership Zeta. Unfortunately as my main game is retail it means paying the near £7 for this expansion. Is it worth it?

Also Mafia II, are the DLC's Jimmy's Vendetta and Joe's Adventure any good? I loved the main story if it helps.

Splinter Cell conviction : haven't been a lover of these games so far, but wondering if this will suit me better, I hear that this one is different from the rest.

These 'Digital Deluxe Editions', what's the difference? I'm also tempted by ME2.
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I'm tempted by the Fallout 3 goty. It will only be to play the one remaining DLC that I haven't yet tried, Mothership Zeta. Unfortunately as my main game is retail it means paying the near £7 for this expansion. Is it worth it?

zeta is supposed to be gash, never got round to playing that dlc though but i did the others.

EG said:
repetitive, largely uninspired corridor combat, and boring, linear and samey mission design, the least you'd hope is that there would be some supplementary side quests to extend the lifespan - but not so.
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Anyone who doesnt have fallout 3, please buy it. Im begging you, BUY IT. ITS THAT GOOD.

Anyway my pocket is feeling much lighter today :(
Is this pack worth buying for £13.58 ???


personally i loved conviction but wasnt that massive on double agent. 1st games slightly old now really and isnt as great as it was back then. id just get conviction really.

Im gonna get worms! still fun for multi :D
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