Getting really slow downloads though, using the UK Manchester server. Is anyone getting fast speeds from other servers? I tried a few and all were fairly slow. 200-300KB/s but my connection is capable of 2MB/s
I'm tempted by the Fallout 3 goty. It will only be to play the one remaining DLC that I haven't yet tried, Mothership Zeta. Unfortunately as my main game is retail it means paying the near £7 for this expansion. Is it worth it?
Anyone recommend The Last Remnant?
Are you able to just buy that? I only have the option to buy the Square pack.
I have just finished playign the mod Mothership Zeta crew which expands Mothership Zeta so that the story continues in to an epic story with some great moments, you control the sapceship and create your own faction with crew and everything. Added around 15 hours of gameplay, it was immense!
Best mod ever!!
I've only got FO3 normal, not the dlc. Bought it on steam ages ago but I can't actually buy the DLC separate on steam -.- Looks like I'll have to buy the game again if I want to actually play any DLC, which is poor tbh.
So far today, Mafia 2 bought. None of the DLC though
You buy the Fallout3 DLC on Games For Windows Marketplace & it will work with the Steam version but its cheaper to buy the GOTY PC-DVD online for around a tenner which comes with all the DLC (which is all pretty good & much better than FNV).
Fallout3 IMO is much better than Mass Effect 1 or 2 so if you liked that you will love Fallout3 & its a massive world with a lot of locations & sub missions. Months of game content to get through most of it is very good!Is fallout 3 any good? Ive never really played RPG games but I really liked Mass effect a lot, one of the best games ive ever played.
How does fallout 3 compare to it?
Fallout3 IMO is much better than Mass Effect 1 or 2 so if you liked that you will love Fallout3 & its a massive world with a lot of locations & sub missions. Months of game content to get through most of it is very good!
It's the same =/.