Steam Summer Sale 2011

Really not feeling the offers today.

Would have got FO3, but been there, done that, and sold the game for less than I'd be rebuying it for lol.
Had a look at a few gameplay videos of Last Remnant and the combat looks kinda 'meh'. Does anyone else miss old fashioned turn based RPGs, they're all action RPGs or semi turned based these days. I want a modern turn based RPG. I've been going back to the PSX Final Fantasies far too much and I want a new game like those :(.

FFVII, VIII and IX are not turn based. ATB is semi turned based at best. CTB as used in FFX is the most turned based final fantasy has been in the past 14 years.

I have Last remnant on the 360 and it's alright, though nothing special. It's battle system while alittle weird, is about as turned based as any JRPG (and way more than any recent FF game) gets these days. It's a bit of a strange one!
@ Jimz

Not really cos when we are old and grey we can start going through our back library of games. :)


Hmm last time i played ff7 it was turn based as in u take a turn then enemy, their was no real time fighting as in avoiding a turn (both u and enemy was fighting constantly).
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When you asked whether you should get Amnesia, I thought you were asking from point of fear and being a dark angel the game should be nice and fun for you with no element in the game scaring you.:p

If on the other hand you were asking from 'liking or disliking the game' perspective, then simply ignore my comment;)
What are peoples thoughts on Fallout 3? I'm yet to play it other than about 20 minutes around a friends house. Thought it was okay, but wasn't 'sure'. I'd basically just emerged into the world.

I'm guessing the tiny bit I'd played it isn't a fair assessment though?

I can not recommend it highly enough.

At the end of the day, play it and if there is something you don't like about it, you can always change it through mods.

I am currently 130 hours in and am around half way through the main story and have only done 1 of the 5 dlc's. I also have around 10 quest mods to play through which will add 10's of hours of gameplay to it.

I am going to try the driveable motorcycle tomorrow

It is also one of the best lookig games ever as well
Are Napoleon/Empire Total War not worth the £6?
Seems to be cheaper than buying a physical copy; and the ratings don't seem bad, but not seeing many comments about them?

I absolutely hate the steam sale....far too many temptations for people of little conviction like me lol
I haven't bought anything for the last 2 days, but only because i already had the decent games.

Bought the Splinter Cell pack a few months ago. I think it was in the EA deals
Splinter Cell Conviction is nothing special.

Honestly got bored trying to stealth around only for a guard to walk out a door and spot you. You'll spend ages on a level trying to beat it without being seen and that happens :o

I just started blitzing through the levels which is easier because all the guards will come to you and you can just mow them down.
I know the steam servers have been busy lately but it seems bad tonight, slow speeds on all the servers ive tried.

I do fancy that Universe sandbox game, as im interested in things like that. Anyone have experience with it and are the options and things you can do extensive? Thanks.
Right I've been a goody-two-shoes and not bought anything yet (I managed to get through the last christmas sale without buying anything! ;)), but enough halo polishing... Universe Sandbox looks absolutely fantastic!

I might also get fallout 3 - don't really want to play this but a friend is persuading me to do so.
Is the Last Remnant any good?

It's i said earlier once you get 4-5h in or so the game starts to get really good...if you are a rpg fan especially FF fan then you will like it a lot.(ignore the 66 metascore because when the game first came out some bad bugs caused this score which were fixed now and some sites even say it's a lot better now they are.)

The game took me 72 hours to complete and i didn't get everything.(you may want to search how to unlock ancient ruins as it's a must have in my view as it plays a great role in the game and also the pc version has a lot more stuff than console.)

The battle system is pretty good, later in the game it becomes more strategic with formations for each regiment giving certain advantages/bonuses and you can have upto 30 chars in your party eventually.(bit like Shining Force in the day, loads of members to select from to put in a large party)

Any rpg fans here really give it a go but like i said play it 5h+ or more then you will not stop. :p

Also it works great with xbox360 pad due to the insane combos you can do later on.:D

I've played A LOT of games and The Last Remnant really was one i really want to play through again.
Right I've been a goody-two-shoes and not bought anything yet (I managed to get through the last christmas sale without buying anything! ;)), but enough halo polishing... Universe Sandbox looks absolutely fantastic!

I might also get fallout 3 - don't really want to play this but a friend is persuading me to do so.

A friend also talked me into FO3 a few years back and after taking quite a while to get into it, I really enjoyed the storyline and the sense of freedom on it. If you enjoy it, new vegas is a must!
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