Steam Summer Sale 2016 set for 23rd June for two weeks

Is 20 quid good price for fo4 u reckon i mean i dunno if i will play it for awhile as got others to play but just wondered if its good and should get it before it goes back up.

If you're not gonna play it for the next 6 months I'd just wait until the xmas sale lol, although it seems very marmite for people, I love it but havent played in ages, others hate it etc.
Dont think i'll buy anything for the first time ever. The only game I want is Rise of the Tomb raider, but its one of them games I'll complete in no time and never touch again so its a bit too expensive for me yet.
Is 20 quid good price for fo4 u reckon i mean i dunno if i will play it for awhile as got others to play but just wondered if its good and should get it before it goes back up.

Not been watching for announcements, but I'll get it when its GOTY with the DLC. Not sure how many are due to be released. It can wait til Xmas I think.
Dont think i'll buy anything for the first time ever. The only game I want is Rise of the Tomb raider, but its one of them games I'll complete in no time and never touch again so its a bit too expensive for me yet.

I was thinking the same. I want it, but it's a bit dear for what it is to me. Tempted by doom though!
Same here so I can get Just Cause 3 for £14.99 (and I'm about to).

And now I've been refunded for this. Way too many crashes and I hadn't even got through the first mission yet. I'll buy this again at some point in the future if they iron out the bugs.
Being rubbish at games, I'm not enthralled buying them.

But, I did buy:

Project Cars
Heathrow, Dublin and Manchester for X-Plane 10
Jackbox Party Pack

Monkey Island Special Edition 1&2
Nice to know :) It's definitely been one I've been watching closely (Like "The Long Dark")! Any comments from him regarding bugginess?
Think I'm going to go for it. :D

You're gonna experience bugs, its still early on in development but they're making massive progress. I haven't come across any game-breaking bugs, or many in general to be honest.

Well worth the money for a fiver.
So far I have bought...

Press X to Not Die (was cheap!)
Press X to Not Die - Soundtrack
House of Hell (I read this book back in the day so this is kinda cool for me)
Ghost 1.0 (Modern Metroidvania classic. Looking forward to playing this and it was a bargain)
Raiden IV: OverKill (Best version of a great shooter)
WE ARE DOOMED (Been after this one for a while. Massively underrated twin stick shooter)
Punch Club (Been tempted with this for a while. Looks interesting)
Ninja Senki DX (Cheap and looks fun!)
Witcher 3 is a must buy in my books. Just the best rpg ever made. Back story helps to understand as you make choices in the game, but there are plenty of youtube videos that string the back story together from the previous games. I wouldn't hesitate to buy it, and the dlc is very good too.

na I wouldn't put it as the best RPG ever - that goes to the legendary Planescape: Torment :D

But it is one of the best released rpgs in a long time; if you love rpgs; get Shadowrun Return series of RPGs; while Shadowrun Returns is more bog standard Shadowrun game....

Where it really shines in the player made content; Dragonfall *which was my game of the year for 2014* and Hong Kong which ties game of the year for me with Witcher 3......they are that good.....
Considering Total War: Atilla.

I was sorely diappointed by Rome 2, but a friend recommended Atilla and said they'd fixed a lot of the terribleness of Rome 2.

Only thing is I would like to play as the Romans, but I never liked the 'back foot' style of gameplay, where you're trying to survive all the time... worth getting to play as the other factions?
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