Steam Summer Sale

Ah cheers.

Seriously though, its like whats the friggin point of having the sale if the server cannot handle the amount of purchases.

Just keep refreshing your browser, you'll get through in the end. Took me 20 attempts or more sometimes, and almost as long to login. Had to go through payment process twice on one item before it would accept it.

Got Skyrim and Left4dead. Not bad.
Was looking forward to getting Dishonored for £5 :( I thought for sure it would win the vote. Ah well, it'll probably get another vote later on in the sale, that's usually how it works so I'll just get it then.
I've only just installed STEAM on my PC for the first time ever last week :eek: as someone mentioned SSF4 was on sale for £3. Not really into PC gaming but I thought I'd have a browse, just picked up:

Unreal Pack
- UT 3 Black Edition
- UT 2004
- Unreal 2
- Unreal Gold

Total: £13.98

I also picked up L4D 2 last week from MM for £2.81.

What are these trading cards for exactly?
Thinking about getting Virtua Tennis 4 for £7.49

Is this worth it? I think I played 3 once and really enjoyed the epic 5 set matches.

Just picked up Defiance and Borderlands 2 along with some mates for some coop :)

Really tempted by Euro Truck 2 as well. Seriously going to be skint when this is over.
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