Steam Summer Sale

For those of you after scrbblenauts its $4.24 / £2.79ish on
And you get 3 games free with it. USe code "Gooncave" for 15% off on amazon
Is the Witcher 2 worth the cash

Not yet it could get cheaper - wait until its on a Flash Sale etc and if not buy it on the last day of the sale.

The flow chart once again...

For anyone asking about Call of Juarez: Gunslinger it's a nice game for £8...especially if you like western movies and fps games.

Good voice acting, gfx, chars and levels.:)

Only 33% discount though... you just know it'll be cheaper, ala the flow above!

Oh and Hotline Miami is an absolute steal @ £1.74.
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hahaha that flow chart is funny but its very very true. yeah il wait ill the final day or so. on a side note, man is the steam servers taking a pounding its so slow
Gamersgate has some decent deals too. Looking at the 'Gothic Complete Collection' for a fiver. Might have to check out some youtube game play videos.
Got CS:GO as I've wanted it for a while but waited for it to be on sale. Woo! Pretty rubbish selection today, hopefully some better games tomorrow.
So, is there a summer sale 2013 badge like previous years?

In the past you had to do a few things and vote on the daily deals, to get a badge but can't see any mention of a badge. I refuse to **** about with the card system so I hope I haven't overlooked it.

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