Steam Summer Sale

even with Mirrors Edge on the community vote im pretty sure its been cheaper than the 75% off its gonna be if it wins.

IIRC i remember it being something ridiculous like £1.74 during the last summer sale, altho it may be that all this sun has cooked my poor brain, brainzzzzzzzz
even with Mirrors Edge on the community vote im pretty sure its been cheaper than the 75% off its gonna be if it wins.

IIRC i remember it being something ridiculous like £1.74 during the last summer sale, altho it may be that all this sun has cooked my poor brain, brainzzzzzzzz

Yeh it was definitely cheaper than this, I think the price overall is higher now cus I don't remember it being £15, I remember it being £10 or something.

Very strange.
I think most people have been having problems.
I had to use paypal to add money to my steam wallet because my card wouldn't go through last night

Same as me; tried a few times and Steam wouldn't accept my normal card. So I then bought Steam funds via Paypal to top up my wallet, which in turn has locked me out of selling or buying from the community market until next Thursday, because apparently this is a new payment method (I have only used the Paypal account on one old Steam transaction years ago).

Bit of a pain and in hindsight I could have just waited but was after one of the first flash sale items.

EDIT - Just read this thread, which is interesting reading. Simply adding a new payment method, or changing an item on the billing address, can cause this market 'lock out'. Just something for people to be wary of.
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Tempted to pick up Rogue Legacy at 20% off but I cant shake the feeling it might be cheaper at some point in the sale...

Im with you on this i'm waiting for a flash sale...

New updated Sale list:

Don't Starve (nearly bought, damn steam crashing)
KSP (will be on offer soon)
Rogue Legacy

Again my list has suddenly got 100% bigger. :(
Tempted to pick up Rogue Legacy at 20% off but I cant shake the feeling it might be cheaper at some point in the sale...

Resist, you know how it works.

worst case scenario this time next week you'll be playing it at the same price it's listed as today, much more likely you'll have picked it up cheaper when it invariably becomes a flash sales in the interim.
Yeh it was definitely cheaper than this, I think the price overall is higher now cus I don't remember it being £15, I remember it being £10 or something.

Very strange.

EA are trying to make hay from the E3 Buzz about Mirrors Edge 2. It's only natural that more people might want to pick it up and get a head start on the story ahead of the sequel.

Just EA being evil money grabbing *******s. News? :)
Yeh it was definitely cheaper than this, I think the price overall is higher now cus I don't remember it being £15, I remember it being £10 or something.

Very strange.

I picked it up for £3.24 on 9th of april, it was the daily deal. It was 75% off from £12.99 at the time. Seems they have put the price up :confused:
Hi ive only just got a NVidia card after years with ATI and I don't have any PhysX games so could you guys recommend a few goods ones please then if I see them in the Steam sales ill grab a few.
Resist, you know how it works.

worst case scenario this time next week you'll be playing it at the same price it's listed as today, much more likely you'll have picked it up cheaper when it invariably becomes a flash sales in the interim.

Yeah going to be too sunny to be sat indoors playing games this weekend anyway :)
I'm interested in Bioshock infinite but apparently with a discount code you can get it cheaper on Green Man Games (£12)

However I'm also interested in Dishonoured plus many other games I haven't even thought of yet
Will there be a Half-Life bundle in the Steam Sale?

I've never played Half Life before, which ones do I need to get?

Do I need Opposing Force and Blue Shift?

Half-Life Complete is 50% off at the moment, no idea if it'll go lower.

OpFor is great and is more or less an entire additional campaign from the perspective of the Marines you fight in HL1. Definitely get it if you can. Blue Shift is a bit short and pants and it's from the perspective of one of the guards.
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