Steam Workshop allowing creators to charge for mods

19 May 2005
Just noticed this on steams front page. I knew it was only a matter of time before Steam realised they could be cashing in on other peoples hard work.

So is this going to ruin the modding scene if it catches on or strengthen it? Personally I can see it ruining it if everyone starts charging. There are only a few paid mods up at the moment and the prices are crazy. The amount of mods I had installed for Skyrim it would probably cost 3x as much as the game itself.

Probably wont make any difference as they never seem to do, but thought I'd add it to the op in case anyone wants to sign it.
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I can see things getting very messy fast. Very few mods are original content.

From what I see, people take others work, mod it, then claim it as their own.
Often many people are invloved at various stages to produce that content throughout the chain.

Steam's answer to this is DCMA it if you see a problem. I expect they have made extensive legal checks to cover their ass. However if they are selling the content through their systems I'm skeptical if that will be enough, IANAL.
i can see this going down like a lead balloon. yet another misstep from steam, i feel.

Modding was something modders did for fun i thought?

substantial mods like just cause 2 mp mod, id be happy to pay for. ENB base files, id be happy to pay for. ENB presets and swords, no way.
Problem is managing all the people who think its fine to package up other people's work and try and pass it off as their own or that they have the rights to distribute it to make money. Both wholesale ripping off someone elses mod and/or throwing mods together using assets ripped from another game/IP and slung into the mod they are trying to make money from :S
Honestly never saw this coming, have never paid for a mod and never will. I thought making stuff like this was done out of love for the game???????
What about people who have donated to a mod maker in the past and now decide "I can make a lot more money by keeping my mods on steam" and thus we never see another updated version again.

Don't like this one bit, if Skyrim updates and old mods are incompatible, what do we do then?
All the mods I have will cost me £50...60...80?
Nothing wrong with mod makers getting paid for them, a lot of mods are outstanding.

I long for the days when almost every game has awesome complete overhaul mods like in the past and I have no issue with paying for these as long as they aren't buggy messes.

the thing is the people who actually make the games will be against this and more people will likely lock down there games to prevent modding.
most already do it anyway to prevent people competing with dlc

also a lot of the typical mods you see take barely any effort but people will expect payment for them even if it's only 20p or whatever for simply replacing a texture

Will the quality of mods go up? I doubt it but the quantity of crap to sort through undoubtedly will
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This is bad. What's going on with Valve these days? The mod creator apparently makes 25% of the price, I don't wanna see what Valve's portion is.

Hopefully this dies pretty quick. We've gone so long with free modding, the Nexus has a donate button if you really want to support your favourite mods. The old if it's not broke, don't fix it!
I can only imagine the amount of useless dross that will be clogging up the workshops now that valve have given every tom, dick & harry a chance to exploit someone for profit.

donations to modders IF you appreciate their work? sure.
paying for mods when you have no idea if that work is going to be any good at all let alone work alongside any other mods you have installed? no chance.
I can only imagine the amount of useless dross that will be clogging up the workshops now that valve have given every tom, dick & harry a chance to exploit someone for profit.

donations to modders IF you appreciate their work? sure.
paying for mods when you have no idea if that work is going to be any good at all let alone work alongside any other mods you have installed? no chance.

Agreed, I'd have preferred a donation option rather than this to be honest. Also there is a 24 hour refund period so if it doesn't work then just get a refund. Wish that extended to games but, ah well.
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Don't Origin offer this as the great game guarantee or something?

Probably, I've read their refund policy is miles better than Steams. I've never had to get a refund before on either so I'm not sure how good they are. I just keep hearing people complaining about Steams and how apparently hard it is to get a refund.
I long for the days when almost every game has awesome complete overhaul mods like in the past and I have no issue with paying for these as long as they aren't buggy messes.

the thing is the people who actually make the games will be against this and more people will likely lock down there games to prevent modding.
most already do it anyway to prevent people competing with dlc

also a lot of the typical mods you see take barely any effort but people will expect payment for them even if it's only 20p or whatever for simply replacing a texture

Will the quality of mods go up? I doubt it but the quantity of crap to sort through undoubtedly will

Fewer companies will stop working with Steam for workshop support but that doesn't mean they'll stop allowing this, hell they may even be getting a cut.
Fewer companies will stop working with Steam for workshop support but that doesn't mean they'll stop allowing this, hell they may even be getting a cut.

Then comes a time where they decide to stop the piracy of mods.
Only mods tied to your steam account will load, steam verifies you own them each time you load the game etc
I don't use Steam Workshop for mods, but if I did this would totally kill my desire to do so. Many of the Skyrim mods I saw have been free for years and now they're asking £3+ in some cases which is absurd.
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