Steam Workshop allowing creators to charge for mods

People charging for mods is fine, to say otherwise just makes you sound entitled. However Steam is not the platform for it. Not only can things get very messy very fast, but it just stinks of greed on Valve's part.

mods of quality sure.

paying for the sake of it no
I hope the community rejects this system, but judging by the fact some people will pay £250 for a knife skin for CS:GO I am not holding much hope :(.
It's already going down hill fast, 1 star, Bad reviews, Bombing the entire mod marketplace with insanely harsh/bad feedback. They'll never recover the bad feedback considering it will be 2000 neg feedback to 1 good feedback. RIP Mod marketplace.
Apart from a few exceptions, the majority of publishers have never been fans of having their games modded. The rise of DLC alone shows that companies would rather lock out any modding ability in favor of making extra bucks from their own content, even though the majority of such content usually stinks of having been cut from the game and sold back to us with an extra price tag attached. How many times have we seen a mod eclipse the original game in popularity? Counter-Strike being a prime example of this despite gamers love for half-life.

A dark day indeed.
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I'm rarely one to make a fuss/get angry at stuff like this and I generally find myself defending things that other people hate but this is actually disgusting.

Forced payment to access mods is such a dangerous and ridiculous precendent. A "Donatewall" is what they should've done - a page before downloading/subscribing specifically requesting/mentioning donation.

Or, as Gopher says in his video, zero should be an option in the price choice. That would mollify me quite a bit.

It's hilarious that we're going to have to pirate mods now.

Having to mess around with refunds if mods conflict or if you don't like the mod is going to be a joke, not to mention it's steam wallet refunds only. Christ who let this mess get through, honestly.
If this appears to work then i bet all future games will come with a way to make mods as its gonna be another form of income for the software companies :(. It does not look good for Fallout 4 :(
Nothing wrong with mod makers getting paid for them, a lot of mods are outstanding.

Completely wrong. So wrong you have idea.

So you create a compilation pack, that contains my mod, but you charge for it. Will you give me a cut? What about the 20 other people that have created the mods that you are using to get money, are you going to pay them?

This is ****ing disguising.

This will pull mods into a pay per mod paywall, rather then compilation packs.
I don't see what the problem is? Steam isn't forcing mod sales it's enabling creators to charge for them if they want, free mods will still be free if the creator desires. How is this valve being evil?
With throw a hissy fit if city skylines becomes infested with this crap cant believe whats happening with steam lately.
I'm rarely one to make a fuss/get angry at stuff like this and I generally find myself defending things that other people hate but this is actually disgusting.

Forced payment to access mods is such a dangerous and ridiculous precendent. A "Donatewall" is what they should've done - a page before downloading/subscribing specifically requesting/mentioning donation.

Or, as Gopher says in his video, zero should be an option in the price choice. That would mollify me quite a bit.

It's hilarious that we're going to have to pirate mods now.

Having to mess around with refunds if mods conflict or if you don't like the mod is going to be a joke, not to mention it's steam wallet refunds only. Christ who let this mess get through, honestly.

So much rage.

With over 24,000 free mods available for Skyrim in the Steam Workshop, there will always be lots to do and explore for free. Now you can also find mods with a specified price, or mods where you can choose how much you wish to support the creators. The price is up to the mod creators.

No one has to put a price on their mods. People are totally free to distribute them for nothing as they have always done.

I'd be interested to see what the business model is. Are the publishers of the original game getting a cut? If so I can see this triggering an explosion in moddable games.
No one has to put a price on their mods.

Exactly they don't have to but seeing as we've already got other people putting up versions of mods they had nothing to do with and charging - if you dont, someone will.

Steam aren't going to curate this, it's a complete Sunday car boot sale for mods
Taking a 75% cut of the cost of the mod for doing very little isn't very fair.

And charging for something that up until today you were previously happy to release for free is what?

A 75% cut of nothing is nothing. Any modder holding out on releasing a mod to monetise would charge either way and any modder who was previously happy creating content for free and now decides to charge for it accepts paying that cut. There was enormous amounts of content created for free on steam workshop, and those content creators who still want to continue creating content for free will. I would understand the argument of steam were charging to list content.

Edit: for the someone ripping off an idea and charging for it... Only a fool would pay for something they could get for free.
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I doubt that this is on Valve's part entirely, surely Bethesda gets a cut of this as well, probably equal or more so than Valve. I agree though, this is a bad system; it's not truly "pay what you want", and the copyright implications of users uploading someone else's work and charging for it are going to be a massive headache.

Seeing as the Workshop is one of the easiest ways to browse, download, and install mods (not requiring any other 3rd party mod related programs, such as installers, organisers, etc.), it would have been cool to be able to "tip" mod creators with the left over money in my Steam account Wallet, given how much of a market there is on Steam now given the trading/selling of cards, games, hats, items, etc.

I would happily tip a few of my favourite mods, I dunno, a pound for example. Sure, they only get 25%/25p, but it's a nice gesture for their work, and it's not like they were making direct money off it before hand.
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-So will mods be locked so that they only work if purchased through Steam?
-Will mods be guaranteed to work?
-Can we be issued refunds for mods that do not work?
-Will this mean that mods will have a development lifecycle?
-Will mods be copyright protected (Half the mods are stolen)
-Will mods get you VAC banned if they give you an advantage? (COD FOV is a prime example)
-Will we have Early Access mods? :rolleyes:
-If a mod breaks a game what is the stance on that?

Now whilst I am not against supporting mod makers through donations this is a dark day for gaming. Look at the Assetto Corsa mods for example, most of them are ripped from RFactor and converted therefore illegal.

**** storm is brewing.

I don't like this move & this is coming from somebody who's had a number of popular mods on the workshop.

Firstly how do you address the following.

1. Theft of work

Already, I've had people steal my designs/textures work done & use them in other mods without asking/mentioning it.

This will accelerate to huge levels, with people ripping off the actual modders work. Unless you are very established the chances of anything being done are remote.

2. Collaboration mods.

I've contributed about 30 or 40 units to to say the Rome 2 : Total War - Radious mod, along with content to Idrius (creator of the Roman houses, spartacus mods)

Many of the most popular mods are collaborative efforts, this will either stop people working together - or cause individuals to rip people off.

3. Is there still room for free mods?.

Come Warhammer : Total war I'll be getting back into modding & creating a wealth of new content (once they open up the modding). Will paid for mods get first place over the free ones (I assume this is the case). So will it essentially push out modders who wish to remain free to the community into page 30+?.
Exactly they don't have to but seeing as we've already got other people putting up versions of mods they had nothing to do with and charging - if you dont, someone will.

Steam aren't going to curate this, it's a complete Sunday car boot sale for mods


I'm getting a bit sick of valve tbh. They haven't been a gaming company primarily for a while. Steam gets a lot less flak than origin yet Its just as bad if not worse. Try and get a refund from steam...good luck. Also those that say it isn't just a glorified form of drm, look at the guy that went out to sea and couldn't access his games.

Also refunds back for steam credit? That has to be a joke right?
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