Steam Workshop allowing creators to charge for mods

This is bad. What's going on with Valve these days? The mod creator apparently makes 25% of the price, I don't wanna see what Valve's portion is.

Hopefully this dies pretty quick. We've gone so long with free modding, the Nexus has a donate button if you really want to support your favourite mods. The old if it's not broke, don't fix it!

How dare you criticise the holy gaben, remember that everything they do is for the sole purpose of advancing PC gaming and not just trying to make themselves more money.
I have nothing against the premise of rewarding modders for their hard work, but this move will destroy the modding community.

With the new version of Wet and Cold not being published on Nexus, this move already looks set to divide the community and create a lot of bad blood. It wouldn't be so bad if Steam was the best option for Skyrim mods, but with a lot of people using NMM, all this really does is force us to use an inferior platform.

Oh, and:
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Mods already disappearing from nexus. A very dark day for pc gaming. I don't think people quite understand yet the implications this move is going to have.
Gopher should have an interesting video about this, he created SkyUI which a lot of mods run off, so wonder what will happen their and whether he'll keep it free?

As if by magic 1 hour ago;

PS: What if I steal Realvision and upload it as my own ENB? - I was first on Steam so it's mine, right?

PSS: You only get money once you reach sales of $100, to which you get only 25%.
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This will get nasty very fast. People will raid the Nexus and other mod sites for content before charging for it. It'll destroy the massive elder scrolls modding community in days.
Then comes a time where they decide to stop the piracy of mods.
Only mods tied to your steam account will load, steam verifies you own them each time you load the game etc

A bigger problem is that there are already mods on sale which weren't created by those charging for them..
Well, this is bad news. :( Another money-grab from Valve, instead of doing what they should be doing which is making excellent games.

It'll either make the mod scene into a world of payments, moans and argumenst over who 'owns' what code, or it'll make people move Steam mods back to 'private' areas for free.

Either way, it seems like a massively backwards step. Thanks Valve :(
this is going to get messy fast, people buying mods and find it crashes skyrim as it's not compatible with another one and wanting their money back
this is going to get messy fast, people buying mods and find it crashes skyrim as it's not compatible with another one and wanting their money back

Steam Workshop Refund Policy
Valve offers this refund policy exclusively for initial purchases of user-generated content made directly via its Steam Workshop page. In particular, this refund policy does not apply to purchases of tradable Workshop Items on the Steam Community Market, to transfers of items between users via the trading system or to in-game purchases of Workshop items.

In order to request a refund, click the "Get Refund" option on the item's Workshop page, which is accessible from your Steam inventory page (in the Steam Client, select View->Inventory from the top menu). Refund requests must be made within 24 hours from the purchase of a Workshop item. The remaining time for an individual item is displayed on the item's Workshop page.

Once your refund request has been submitted, you will lose access to the content for that Steam Workshop item and any other Steam Workshop items associated with the refunded transaction.

Refunds will be credited exclusively back to the Steam Wallet from which the original purchase was funded. For reasons of fraud prevention, your Steam Wallet will be credited for the transaction within two to three days from the time you submitted your refund request.

Valve may restrict an individual user's eligibility for future refunds if there are indications of an abuse of the refund system. In this case, the restriction will be clearly communicated to the user and only apply to later purchases.

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You have 24 hours to request a refund.
How dare you criticise the holy gaben, remember that everything they do is for the sole purpose of advancing PC gaming and not just trying to make themselves more money.

Criticising Valve here is tantamount to infanticide. They are as greedy as the rest of them and it's about time people realised that :p
Refunds will be credited exclusively back to the Steam Wallet from which the original purchase was funded.

So if its say 5.99 and doesn't work, you get to spend it on other steam games????????

No thanks, I choose to buy games with my money not 'see if they work' then end up in credit with valve.
Please tell me this is a very late April Fools joke.

This is EA-levels of bad business practices.
People charging for mods is fine, to say otherwise just makes you sound entitled. However Steam is not the platform for it. Not only can things get very messy very fast, but it just stinks of greed on Valve's part.
So if its say 5.99 and doesn't work, you get to spend it on other steam games????????

No thanks, I choose to buy games with my money not 'see if they work' then end up in credit with valve.

Exactly this. Great that they offer the refund option but they can't simply offer 'in store credit' for faulty goods.
This will be a disaster. Also as already said every idiot out there will now be trying to create mods and cash in. There's already quite a bit of dross on the workshop, this will only serve to increase that dross.
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