Steel Division - Normandy 44

The Ai on medium is tough, if you can beat ai on medium then you will do ok in multiplayer at the moment.

A lot of people play defensive what I have noticed so far and the ai plays very aggressive, it can also see all your units so it will exploit your weak points especially on conquest.

Try playing some 2vs2 or 3vs3 with and against the Ai and choose the 15th Scots. As this should make your front a lot smaller and you can focus on one place and 15th Scots are a great all round division.

On 1vs1 you need to spread your forces out a lot and focus and attack one area. Always start off with 2 or 3 recon units so you can spot where the enemy is pushing.

Don't be afraid to use fighters to attack those pesky AT guns. Artillery is very powerful, especially mlrs or off map arty. It's can literally take out a entire chunk of the enemy forces in one barrage. Mortars are also very powerful when used correctly for killing dug in soft targets.

If you see a enemy unit pinned. Try running one of your units close to them and they will surrender. If one of your units is pinned press the r key and they will fall back.

Learn the keyboard shortcuts and play on slow speed while you learn. It's a hard but rewarding game.
The Ai on medium is tough, if you can beat ai on medium then you will do ok in multiplayer at the moment.

A lot of people play defensive what I have noticed so far and the ai plays very aggressive, it can also see all your units so it will exploit your weak points especially on conquest.

Try playing some 2vs2 or 3vs3 with and against the Ai and choose the 15th Scots. As this should make your front a lot smaller and you can focus on one place and 15th Scots are a great all round division.

On 1vs1 you need to spread your forces out a lot and focus and attack one area. Always start off with 2 or 3 recon units so you can spot where the enemy is pushing.

Don't be afraid to use fighters to attack those pesky AT guns. Artillery is very powerful, especially mlrs or off map arty. It's can literally take out a entire chunk of the enemy forces in one barrage. Mortars are also very powerful when used correctly for killing dug in soft targets.

If you see a enemy unit pinned. Try running one of your units close to them and they will surrender. If one of your units is pinned press the r key and they will fall back.

Learn the keyboard shortcuts and play on slow speed while you learn. It's a hard but rewarding game.

Hang on, what do you mean by "it can also see all your units"? You're not saying that regardless of LOS the AI knows where all my units are surely?
I'm not sure thats true, I've had weakly defended points which the ai has ignored so clearly that doesn't happen in all situations
I'm not sure thats true, I've had weakly defended points which the ai has ignored so clearly that doesn't happen in all situations

I certainly hope its not true, the AI automatically knowing where your units are in a game which contains LoS rules would be a major boo-boo
The Ai does know where all your units are but it can only act on what it can see with its units line of sight. A medium Ai it's limited to the same income as the player. The Ai will move it's anti tank guns all over the place and it has been know to move its units when you start the timer on a 60 second artillery barrage.

The medium Ai does usually push in one area at a time due to its limited income but it will usually probe the entire front. It has the same income as the player on medium so it can't spam units at you or have unlimited units in its deck.

If you play on hard or expert Ai they the Ai cheats with more income. I have noticed on medium it won't use aircraft that much but on hard it uses them a lot.
In the wargame series the Ai always knew where your units were too, but it was still very beatable. Besides it makes for a good challenge at first and it will prepare you well for online combat. Maybe the mod scene will be able to change the Ai somewhat in how it behaves.
Right if it can only act on line of sight that would explain why I haven't seen it bee line for all my units especially badly defended ones.
In the wargame series the Ai always knew where your units were too, but it was still very beatable. Besides it makes for a good challenge at first and it will prepare you well for online combat. Maybe the mod scene will be able to change the Ai somewhat in how it behaves.
imo thats what spoiler the 2nd one when time was limited. Shouldnt be fog of war and ai seeing everything.
Just to update, the devs have said the ai does not cheat on medium. Which means no extra income or faster income, they mentioned nothing about LOS.

Some players who play on hard say that the Ai seems to know where all their units are all the time and it's very hard to ambush them due to the dynamic front. In wargame the Ai would Beeline to high point areas as fast as possible and you could predict where they would be.

You also may notice it's very hard to sometimes flank shot a tank, that's because a tank automatically turns its hull to face its biggest seen threat.

As long as the Ai in the campaign is challenging I will be happy, and I also hope it won't be scripted too. The campaign is going to be like European escalation style, basically sequential maps storydriven maps where your losses will carry over to next mission and you will get sub ojectetives for each mission too which can affect the enemy force and your force on the next map.

I am loving playing this online now, had an epic battle on sword 10vs10 taking one of the towns in the middle.

My direct opponent dug in with the 21st and I was attacking with 15th Scots. Those axis pak halftracks can hit tanks hard! lost my honies and a Churchill, the tide turned though when one of my allies sent some rocket planes in and I brought up two mortar carriers and also off map arty.

Managed to pin his infantry in the building and storm in with bren teams forcing lots of surrenders. Lots of casualties both sides but, he made me pay a high price for every house. it felt so good when I pushed him totally out of the town after about a 20 minute intense battle.

Just to think a 10 battle like this are happening all over the map in different areas... such a fun game.
The more I play this, the more I love it must say. I did a 4 vs 4 battle last night against AI opponents all on medium with medium allies on my side. Was absolutely mental. I kinda let the side down by losing control of my flank. My army fell back to an area I designated as a sort of last stand point and I put down help beacons in the hope my allies would assist. They did! Sent in some artillery strikes and some rocket planes. Enemy fell back and I managed to muster a few tanks to pursue them.

Is 4 vs 4 the max you can do for AI skirmishes? Those 10 vs 10 online ones must be totally insane.

My only criticism is I think the maps should perhaps scale if you have more players and just be larger generally?
I bought this yesterday and am loving it so far. I prefer to play using Bullet time to issue my orders before speeding up to watch it unfold, it seems more strategic and less manic :)

One thing I'd like to see is a button to show a units maximum range as a circle around the unit. I'm assuming that this isn't hidden away somewhere?
Now if you guys would just apply the grand strategy game play of Paradox titles like Hearts of Iron with the rts game play of Eugen Systems games to make a superior total war style ww2 and cold war era games!
It's really fun in this game to play against AI with AI teammates and let your AI allies do all the grunt work and fight hard on one flank while you just build up a vast attack force without doing anything. Once the time comes, then launch your vast assault into enemy territory in order to achieve a breakthrough. It kind of worked for me last night! Smashed into a vast enemy horde and my zerg managed to push a whole section of the line back and we got the win. Was hard fought though and at one point I thought I was going to have to pull back which would have been a disaster.
Game releases today with single player campaign (15 missions) and the remaining 8 divisions and maps.

Can't wait to try out 101st and Windhund.
Bumping this as it's needs publicity, if your a cod type player, not much here for you, if you like not miss out
Quite interested in this :) What is the campaign like - do the missions follow on from each other or are they scattered?
Has anybody else noticed the Band of Brothers quotes in the game?

"We're paratroopers, we're supposed to be surrounded" and "Lipton , Malarkey, cover me!" and others as well.
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