Stellaris - Paradox Interactive

ok quick one, playing vanilla atm just to try and get the hang of things i've got a neighbour i'd quite like to stomp over and succesfully declared war, wiped out half their systems and had control over them,

ended the war and gained one system when i had control of at least 10. wtf and now i cant have a pop at them again for another 7 years or so
i want to be a blood thirsty warmonger ffs
u only take over systems you have claimed, also before ending the war you have to control the system and any planets or habs in it to take them over other wise the ai wont agree.

Its done this way to stop people doing from what your trying to do.

If you play fanatic purifier empire you don't have to worry about claims or once you get the dlc and you get the planet killing ships ou can do total war
Are there any must have DLCs for this game, I'm about to start for the very first time so wondered if I need to buy anything before I get stuck in?

I would say the actual content DLCs are quite a must, i haven't bothered with the cosmetic packs though.

I play both SP and MP with a friend who's always purchased the DLCs as they were released. Back 3/4 years ago on like version 1 of the game they only added a few extra features. Also the game works in a way that only the hosting player requires the DLC, all other players then get access to that content. Eventually i found my SP games rather limited as they were missing so much content, so i think during the summer sale the DLC's were all up about £3 each, so bought the lot of them.
ok guys fill me in,

just decided to crush a neighbour, took a 20k fleet up against his 4k fleet and got absolutely creamed,
to the point not even a single point off his hull damage, technology fleet etc are pathetic compared to mine but he just walked through my 20k fleet without a scratch, then proceeds to walk through another 10k of my ships with no damage whatsoever, what am i missing here?
ok guys fill me in,

just decided to crush a neighbour, took a 20k fleet up against his 4k fleet and got absolutely creamed,
to the point not even a single point off his hull damage, technology fleet etc are pathetic compared to mine but he just walked through my 20k fleet without a scratch, then proceeds to walk through another 10k of my ships with no damage whatsoever, what am i missing here?

depends on how are you designing your ships, I normally do a balances design at the start, I never have had that
Using auto best

but that was 30k of stacks a 4K fleet walked through at one point outgunned 4K-20K and not a scratch
It depends on your ship as well as the enemy's. From memory auto best picks the highest total damage for the power available. In simple terms energy weapons are great against armour but rubbish against shields while kinetic weapons are rubbish against armour but great against shields. At a guess, your ships are equipped with lasers and your enemy has lots of shields which you never got through due to the damage reduction. Your enemy probably also had the right weapons for your shield/armour combination.
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Using auto best

but that was 30k of stacks a 4K fleet walked through at one point outgunned 4K-20K and not a scratch

Ooof i avoid using autobest.

As Greboth has pointed out, you need to see what your enemy is equipped with.

Certain weapon versus armour combinations can massively give one side the upper hand.

There can be many other factors at play as well, did he have a starbase in his system, and was it equipped with modules that negatively impact you. There are various other edicts and traditions that can help boost his damage output, or increase hull/shield/armour.

It's part of what makes this game so fascinating, is that there are literally thousands of different combinations that you can set up your fleet with. Some will work very well, others won't work at all.
It was more the fact I stacked 5 times his fleet and he didn’t take one point of damage

Hmm 20k vs 4K should never lose unless the 4K fleet had a space bastion back it up of at least 10-15k.

only alternative was is you are all missile and they are heavy point defense but that make no sense as you should still overwhelm.

Actually I think I know what happened. Sometimes there is a bug which means you cannot damage the enemy.

I have had it before, if you notice it playing Ironman, exit game immediately and reload and should fix itself.
ended up rage quitting after having 30k chewed through, :D

first time in many a year, sign of a good game methinks
wierd - reloaded from autosave, enemy fleet gone my stacks there and they conceded victory straight away
For those interested what 2.6 & DLC bring to the game a good detailed video.

Basically forget how the game works....again :P
I don't even care about the new DLC I'm just interested in this amazing increase in performance it's alledgedly supposed to bring.

Really is quite lame of PDX to continually spam out DLC to the point where it overloads the game even more where mid/late game becomes unplayable.

The only really reason they're addressing it is because the community is becoming increasing vocal about the performance now. I.E "Why would I buy more DLC when I can't even finish a game with the current DLC I have etc"

My sentiments exactly. I haven't seen a late game crisis in years. I get to around 2600 and it's like watching paint dry. One day is about 3-4 seconds.

I hear EUIV is quite slow now too.
I don't even care about the new DLC I'm just interested in this amazing increase in performance it's alledgedly supposed to bring.

Really is quite lame of PDX to continually spam out DLC to the point where it overloads the game even more where mid/late game becomes unplayable.

The only really reason they're addressing it is because the community is becoming increasing vocal about the performance now. I.E "Why would I buy more DLC when I can't even finish a game with the current DLC I have etc"

My sentiments exactly. I haven't seen a late game crisis in years. I get to around 2600 and it's like watching paint dry. One day is about 3-4 seconds.

I hear EUIV is quite slow now too.

EUIV is not slow. Stellaris & HOI4 the issue is prominent because of the complex calculations in relation to production mostly.
HOI4 doesn't have that many DLCs and has this issue the moment WWII is triggered, while Stellaris was always slow mid game, even with 1.0 version on 1000 star galaxies when there weren't any DLCs.
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