Me wanna bad bad, but moving to the land of plenty on the 19th, so .. But soon.. pls
Me wanna bad bad, but moving to the land of plenty on the 19th, so .. But soon.. pls
Are there any must have DLCs for this game, I'm about to start for the very first time so wondered if I need to buy anything before I get stuck in?
ok guys fill me in,
just decided to crush a neighbour, took a 20k fleet up against his 4k fleet and got absolutely creamed,
to the point not even a single point off his hull damage, technology fleet etc are pathetic compared to mine but he just walked through my 20k fleet without a scratch, then proceeds to walk through another 10k of my ships with no damage whatsoever, what am i missing here?
Using auto best
but that was 30k of stacks a 4K fleet walked through at one point outgunned 4K-20K and not a scratch
It was more the fact I stacked 5 times his fleet and he didn’t take one point of damage
wierd - reloaded from autosave, enemy fleet gone my stacks there and they conceded victory straight away
wierd - reloaded from autosave, enemy fleet gone my stacks there and they conceded victory straight away
I don't even care about the new DLC I'm just interested in this amazing increase in performance it's alledgedly supposed to bring.
Really is quite lame of PDX to continually spam out DLC to the point where it overloads the game even more where mid/late game becomes unplayable.
The only really reason they're addressing it is because the community is becoming increasing vocal about the performance now. I.E "Why would I buy more DLC when I can't even finish a game with the current DLC I have etc"
My sentiments exactly. I haven't seen a late game crisis in years. I get to around 2600 and it's like watching paint dry. One day is about 3-4 seconds.
I hear EUIV is quite slow now too.