My sentiments exactly. I haven't seen a late game crisis in years. I get to around 2600 and it's like watching paint dry. One day is about 3-4 seconds.
Update delivers! Down from 4-5 minutes a month to....
15 ******* seconds lol.
What CPU do you have in the PC you're running it on?
Pretty good then!Just a Sandybridge clocked to 4.7.
I'm thinking of starting on Stellaris. I have the base game plus all DLCs, and I'm wondering if the tutorial is still valid after all the released extra content, and if it would be advisable to disable any additional content while trying to get to grips with it.
Oh, and I don't enjoy Youtube tutorials; I like to figure things out on my own.
Which dlc's would be considered a must at this point or just better to get the rest that I am missing? (am missing : Federations, Lithoids Species Pack, Ancient Relics and MegaCorp)
For me, Megacorp was fairly worth it for the mega-structures and slightly different play style of the megacorps. Ancient Relics offered some interesting exploration/story/events to the fairly stale at this point vanilla events and I don't own Federations/Lithoids so can't comment on them.