Step 1 of running my diesel for nearly nothing

penski said:
Furthermore, find out where the chippys buy it wholesale - I can virtually guarentee they pay less than 43p/l

Buy it wholesale, as it's for a works van, claim back the VAT, pay the fuel duty...would probably work out at about 50-60p/litre and you wouldn't have to filter anything.


Anglian oils sell recycled and de acidified and filtered waste oil for 15p per litre on 1000 litre pallets.
you can also buy 1000 litre pallets of premanufactured bio diesel for 95p per litre from a load of loony hippies off ter interweb.
Ultra_Extreme said:
95p? whats the point then?

It's a renewable, low enviromental impact, carbon neutral fuel to be run in near enough standard engines. Lot's of people are willing to pay a little extra to reduce their impact on our delicate enviroment.

Put it this way, I will be speaking to my local chippy and buying an oil burner next time round. This biodiesel /veg oil fuel idea seems so obvious, we need to get more cars running it.

SB118 said:
Heh, by the time you read this, C&R have your ip addy, isp account details, home address, reg number, credit card number, eye colour and inside leg.

Feel free to run with non-duty paid fuel ;)

"I know what you're thinking, did we clamp and crush 6 cars or was it only 5? Do ya feel lucky punk? Well do ya?"

Ive read they have no need for search warrants just a suspicion and they kick your door in. They have the authority to command the police and army if they require. Just look at what they do if you buy too many cigs over in france, take your car and everything you brought and auction it or crush it for unpaid taxes and that is just on suspicion of evasion of duty
I happen to know that Asda run some of their trucks on Bio Diesel, the fat that is collected from stores is collected, purified, etc and then used in some of the trucks :)

With it being a business I have no doubt that they will be filling out forms to the tax man :)

Makes good business sense to do so though :)
geiger said:
Ive read they have no need for search warrants just a suspicion and they kick your door in. They have the authority to command the police and army if they require. Just look at what they do if you buy too many cigs over in france, take your car and everything you brought and auction it or crush it for unpaid taxes and that is just on suspicion of evasion of duty

Whilst i agree that they have a lot of power. They still have to follow the law like any other body, they just may have certain extra powers such as the ability to get fast warrants etc
The point is how easily can u do it?

if you have:
Access to lots of oil
Space to set up a filter system
Vehicle set up to use it reliably and easily
Time to monitor and run it.

Its like homebrew alcohol, we can all make it, its perfectly drinkable, for various reasons its often better than the shop bought stuff. Yet we all still go to the pub and stop off at the offie, some things just are the way they are.
Ultra_Extreme said:
The point is how easily can u do it?

if you have:
Access to lots of oil
Space to set up a filter system
Vehicle set up to use it reliably and easily
Time to monitor and run it.

Geting oil is easy enough, take to a few takeaways and collect from them once a week.
Space is dependant on how much oil you've got hold of, you need to leave it to settle so the water can drop out. Filtering doesn't need much room, my setup is just disorganised :)
If you pick the right vehicle, you don't need any alterations. Else a few hundred quids worth of bits can sort you out.
Time is the killer, waiting for the stuff to settle, drawing off the good oil, filtering. Finding the oil STILL has water in it, repeat.
Got hold of some new filters last week, bucket type, 600micron rated to start with. Pour a load of used oil in, then leave for roughly 12 - 18 hours to settle. (cold filtering takes ages, but does improve the quality of fuel for cold weather usage)

Sort of puts you off going to the chippy though ..



New bigger pump, and a better final settling tank.



Bigger tank with a high placed outlet (tried 1/2", flow was pap, went up to 1" pipe), means that any free water that get's into the system should drop out before it gets into the filtration side of things.
atpbx said:
Anglian oils sell recycled and de acidified and filtered waste oil for 15p per litre on 1000 litre pallets.
you can also buy 1000 litre pallets of premanufactured bio diesel for 95p per litre from a load of loony hippies off ter interweb.

how did i miss this thread :eek: have just started running our xantias on biodiesel ( Hdi and Xud ) i buy it from a failry local producer at 82p a litre :) currently weening the xud onto it seems very good so far better for the engine and the enviroment :) also i'm sure the car runs better on the stuff as well, currently using a B30 blend but will be increasing this as time goes on to B80.

Have found that storing it in the shed in the cold weather don't do it much good, has formed crstals, so have brought it inside now and seems to be ok.

Store it in the shed, let the crystals form, then filter it, makes for even better cold starts.
you can get an inline 1 micron filter from machine mart for about 15 quid, you can either gravity filter it, or pump it through. Gravity is for free ;)
ok, cheers for that i'll check it out, do you think it would still be best to filter it even with it being in the house.

If it's properly processed it shouldn't have anything left to filter, but cold filtering (outside) will get rid of anything that settles out in low temperatures (depending on fedstock used to make the BioD, the gelpoint can be very different)
Toy time

woohoo, been playing with the blowtorch today, managed to knock up my first heat exchanger :)


(and i'd like to go on record and say that salt is an absolute ##### to rinse out!)

The oil coil, fuel flows from the tank to the filter & pump, through the coil, which is wrapped around this ...


the 15mm stubs are the feed for the coolant system, just needs fitting in between the waterpump and interior heater matrix. I used 22mm tube for the body, to carry plenty of water (water = heat) The other 8mm tube running the length of the heater is to heat the return fuel line (the fuel pump always pushes more fuel than you need), so you can heat the fuel that is sat in the tank.

It's not pretty, but it leak tested ok, need to clean it up tomorrow, then pile on the solder.

Yes, it's chuffing huge, i had to borrow a pipe cutter a few days ago and i chopped the 22mm pipe to the wrong length, oops! On the other hand, it's not like i'm pushed for space under the bonet of a transit :D
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SB118, could you not put the heat exchanger into the oil rather than round the pipe. Just thinking it would have more effect. Kind of like a coil in a kettle.
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