Stephen Fry and Apple Macs

My main gripe with Vista is it's size and resource use (yes we've heard it all before). 11GB fresh install the last time I put it on my laptop. Just what the hell is all that 11GB?

I don't know what a current fresh install runs at, but still. Anything over 3 or 4 gig for a default install is ridiculous.
Lol, my Windows XP pro SP3 directory is 800MB. :D

11GB has got to be some new record hasn't it?
Well you could see it coming from a mile off, a mini-flame war in between slightly on-topic posts.

But thats the way of things in the end you just use the OS that best suits your needs, for me its Vista for someone else it might be DOS 6, each has had its problems just like every other OS out there, even the 'untouchable' OSX.

But on-topic, I would largely suspect that the problem lies entirely with the drivers and bloatware supplied by sony on the particular laptop that he bought rather than MS and Vista.
Lol, my Windows XP pro SP3 directory is 800MB. :D

11GB has got to be some new record hasn't it?

I must point out, this was well over a year ago and I'd dban'd the HDD before I installed as I was making a point to have a completely "fresh" install. And it didn't include any security downloads or service packs as far as I remember.
The thing to realise about Apple is just because you don't like the company or the marketing, it doesn't mean that the OS or hardware are bad.
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I use a mac for work, and I'm typing on an Air now, however, I always will consider Windows/PC my 'home'. I have a nice system in my study, and I'd prefer a windows laptop.

Mac's aren't always simpler.

Try opening a port (firewall) on Leopard without loading the terminal. Good luck!
No. What makes it a bad OS, is the fact that it does not do what I need it to. If it could do what I needed it to, and it could do it better than Vista, I'd consider changing.

It simply can't. I don't see what your problem with this is. :confused:

Just because Windows runs all the programs you want it to doesn't make it a good OS, and just because another OS doesn't run all the programs you want it to doesn't make it a bad OS. I use Windows some of the time to play games and I could probably do everything I want to do on it but I don't because I really dislike working with it.

There are 2 main reasons I dislike Windows. The first reason is that Windows is pretty much a big mass of files which do a whole load of stuff rather than a load of separate components. Why does this annoy me? Well if I want to disable something there's a good chance I simply can't because it will break something. For example I read that disabling superfetch breaks the control panel (here's where I read it). Of course I could just not disable anything, but maybe I'd rather just not waste resources on something I don't use (I'm not talking about superfetch here, just processes in general), or maybe I'd prefer them to be disabled in case they have any security holes, or it could even be that one of them is causing a problem.

The second reason is similar, there's little documentation on Windows' internals and it's often hard to track down the source of an problem. You pretty much have to just hope you don't get a problem, because if you do there's a good chance the only way you'll fix it is by reinstalling. For example, on one of my Windows 2000 installations my wireless service would fail to start on boot if I disabled the printer spooler service, it worked fine if I manually started it, just not when I booted. Of course I could just keep the printer spooler service enabled (and I did) but then I got another problem: Windows took ages to shut down. I never found out what caused either of these problems. There's a chance I might get similar problems in Linux, the difference is I would almost certainly be able to find out what causes it and fix it.

Although those are the 2 biggest reasons for me they still don't really make that big of a difference most of the time. It's mostly just lots of other small things which put me off Windows, like in KDE I can drag a window around with ALT+LMB on any part of the window, to my knowledge there's nothing like this in Windows.

OS X I kind of like and hate. I far prefer it's design to Windows. I consider the application-centric dock to be far superior to the taskbar (I think hacks like preloading of browser windows and the system tray for applications with no windows supports this). I also far prefer the the menu at the top of the screen (even at 1920x1200!). However I hate the lack of customisability, like last time I checked I couldn't even remove mouse acceleration (there seems to be ways to now). Apple certainly do overprice hardware a lot though, I wouldn't have bothered with them normally but it was actually cheaper than equivalently priced Windows laptops because of a discount I got.

Linux is, as you might of guessed, my preferred OS, it easily lets me customise it just how I want it and because it's the community that makes it I find it (normally) ends up with the best way of doing things.
I love OS X for all my media stuff and for working in iwork/office, the 24" screen is lovely for videos etc.

I use my PC for gaming, ripping music in EAC and general web surfing.

All these people slating Macs and vica versa just makes me laugh, use whatever you damn well find best :) both OS X and Vista have their pros and cons, I love and loath both OS' but use them for their own strengths and you're laughing :)

You know, if you read all my posts, you would have seen that I said that Linux/Unix was a good OS, but its bad for me as it simply doesn't do what I need of it, its a completely unworkable "solution" for me.

Vista on the other hand is great for me as it will do all I want it to do, and I seem to have the added bonus of being one of the few people that hasn't been plagued with problems with it, and honestly can't see what the fuss is about.

For example I read that disabling superfetch breaks the control panel (here's where I read it).
It doesn't, I have it disabled. Along with a vast amount of other useless services, none of them seem to have been system breaking. If you disable something and then run into an issue, just dump the service into manual instead, so it only opens when needed.

Although those are the 2 biggest reasons for me they still don't really make that big of a difference most of the time. It's mostly just lots of other small things which put me off Windows, like in KDE I can drag a window around with ALT+LMB on any part of the window, to my knowledge there's nothing like this in Windows.
Install AltDrag (freeware) and do it your way. :)
I use a mac for work, and I'm typing on an Air now, however, I always will consider Windows/PC my 'home'. I have a nice system in my study, and I'd prefer a windows laptop.

Mac's aren't always simpler.

Try opening a port (firewall) on Leopard without loading the terminal. Good luck!
Its off by default, if you want to set it up, and configuire application ports, you usally go to System preferences, Sercruity then click the firewall tab.
I love OS X for all my media stuff and for working in iwork/office, the 24" screen is lovely for videos etc.

I use my PC for gaming, ripping music in EAC and general web surfing.

You know you can plug a 24" monitor of higher quality into a Pc.
When I get home I'm wiping Vista from my laptop and putting either XP Pro or Ubuntu on it, seeing as I don't play games on it. I've found it a right pain in the bum to get most of my apps working properly :( Compatibility mode is an absolute joke too. :mad:
I believe that Macs are excellent niche computers.

Are few of my friends are gay and they seem to love Macs. Is there a correlation? :)
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Yeah, the Oric-1 was much better than the Jupiter Ace.


Mr Fry has been a proponent of Apple computers since they first came out in the UK, alongside Douglas Adams [Source]. The gulf between Apples and PCs was much wider back then, and it's utterly understandable that someone should have a non-objective bias towards their first epiphanous love that they carry through life.
What I dislike about Mac is the interface is just bad. No 2 ways around. Windows is betters, but not much, most version of linux desktops are much better but still no where near perfect.

But windows, without the 'nix console makes it more or less useless as a professional work computer. Except for some reason there is Windows only software despite the fact Windows should be reserved for consoles, games, multi-media boxes and old grannies writing letters.

Linux does mostly what I want, mostly perfectly fine. But there are still amazingly annoying issues. Just yesterday I lost 5 hours of work time since an earlier update to Xorg destroyed hardware accelerated OGL. This is not acceptable in almost 2009, although the problem has little to do with linux and a lot to do with ATI.

From a stability point of view, linux is definitely far ahead of the pack form my perspective. I work in an office of 20 people with a mix of Macs, windows and Ubuntu, with many of the MAc people forced to use windows for software reasons. The Macs definitely crash the most and have the most hardware problems.

In the end I think: Linux + Windows > Mac
But Mac does have a lot of the best bits of both linux and windows but has a whole load of other problems and restrictions meaning it is not that great in the end, but probably better than either Windows or Linux singly. Having Mac + Windows is a good idea, but still not as good as Linux + Windows .

But I really don't like Mac users, Mac culture, Star Bucks + Mac = sick. Most Apple products are not that great, like Iphones and Ipods, just marketed to hell.

Then you have to pay the Mac User Appreciation Tax by paying over the odds for the same PC hardware and pay for an OS that should be free (in both sense of the word).

I'm hoping that either Mac or Linux evolves to the state to make Windows completely useless. The Linux community have the will, the knowledge and the right aim -- but have been trying for decade to make this happen. Apple have the money and resources but have the wrong mentality and assume their users have the intelligence of an 8 year old.
People always seem to foget that Apple have a unified hardware architecture, this makes it much more easy to code for, Windows on the other hand has to run on a mind blowing different amount of systems.

I'm suprised it works as well as it does tbh.

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