Stephen Hawkings Universe

Seen it before but decided to watch it again. All pretty far out stuff, but anything could be possible.

All in all I think I think I've been born to early. Would be interesting to know what it would be like in a few thousand years or so as technology advances and hopefully not destroyed ourselves.
^I think that's why the concept of Futurama is so fascinating.

Edit - almost forgot. Years ago he was getting out of his black (was then) specially modified car. I was running somewhere and he almost took me out. :o
Wouldn't the maths suggest that its clearly probable that the universe is massed with life, and wouldn't maths also suggest that the likelihood of us being the only planet with intelligent life to be almost impossible?

This is what I think anyway from the documentaries I've watched and listened to many scientist talk about this subject.

I am a true believer that there's life out there, some planets maybe just fish, others maybe just bacteria, other planets with maybe more complex life like animals running around and maybe even people.

If anything, surely its harder to believe that there isn't life out there rather then that there is, if you get my meaning.

We're a type zero planet so hopefully we dont come across any type 3's or else we'll get owned.
Life is one thing, intelligent life is another, intelligent life as we know it something completely different.

It would be nice, the question however is "does it matter?" I mean as we are now there is no way for us to realistic get out of our own solar system let alone however far away any life we find might be.
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Probabilities that scientists have come up with are plucked out of thin air. We have no idea and couldn't even start to put a meaningfully equation together.

As for the pope comment why wouldn't he belive in aliens, why would we be the only species God created.
Probabilities that scientists have come up with are plucked out of thin air
Nope, they are all calculated and are quite accurate.
A normal person can't even begin to deal with the numbers they work with, which is why folks like yourself believe they are just bull ******** us. Well, that or religion.
There is no guarantee there is life, intelligent life anyway.

We may well be an anomaly, or the first sentient life in the universe or maybe even the last, all our forebears gone to dust.

We simply do not know.
When faced with the sheer numbers of Stars and Galaxies, it doesn't seem far off at all if there's a world similar to our own. I think really to disagree that life or even intelligent life out there doesn't exist is more controversial than believing there is.
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