There is no guarantee there is life, intelligent life anyway.
We may well be an anomaly, or the first sentient life in the universe or maybe even the last, all our forebears gone to dust.
We simply do not know.
Maybe there is intellegent life out there, but they are so far ahead of us that they don't consider us to be intellegent life and therefore haven't bothered us. The same way we might look at bacteria and dismiss it.
Nope, they are all calculated and are quite accurate.
A normal person can't even begin to deal with the numbers they work with, which is why folks like yourself believe they are just bull ******** us. Well, that or religion.
what channel is this on? it's hard to find when online
Infinitely more likely there is a lot of intelligent life
it was on Discovery channel.
A coin can come up tails a million times in a row, doesn't mean heads is any more likely to come up the next toss than it was the last.
You should never rely on probability.
I saw it tonight on Channel 4 at 8pm. You can watch it here if you like:
lol. According to the Drake equation there could be ~10,000 'communicative civilizations' in our Galaxy
Only if you put stupid numbers in there. In fact, show me how you reached that number.
Yes of course, I am Drake and I made the equation
also please elaborate on what you mean by "stupid numbers". It would be really interesting to hear your well researched opinion
It's almost a comforting thought that. Like the thing on Star Wars where they don't communicate with another species if they don't possess warp capable technology.
that will be Star Trek
The Drake equation is just that, an equation, you have to fill in the numbers. How could you possibly say 10K advanced civilisations exist in our galaxy from the Drake equation?
Mathematical probabilities are 100% more accurate than "plucking out of thin air" wouldn't you think?Wow.
Acidhell2 is right, they practically are plucked out of thin air. Sure we have a rough idea of how many stars there are in our galaxy, and how many galaxies there are. But the rest is guess work.
How can you possibly say they are accurate when it hasn't been proven? They are guesses.
Acidhell2 is right, they practically are plucked out of thin air. Sure we have a rough idea of how many stars there are in our galaxy, and how many galaxies there are. But the rest is guess work.
How can you possibly say they are accurate when it hasn't been proven? They are guesses.