Stormzy Cambridge Scholorship

26 Jan 2012

Stormzy is offering to pay for young adults university education. But only if they're black.

Surely this is absolute definition of racism? Discrimination against students of other races? Can you imagine if a white musician was offering to pay for the university education of white people?

Or am I making a big deal out of nothing.
I guess if he is personally sponsoring people himself he can attach whatever criteria he likes. It would be different if he opened a business of some description that only catered to black people, then he would be subject to equality laws.
You are making a big deal out of nothing

Black students seeking a place at university are 21 times more likely to have their applications investigated for suspected false or missing information than their white counterparts, The Independent can reveal.

The data, from the Ucas admissions service, has prompted accusations from Labour of “institutional racism” in the higher education system and demands for urgent action to stamp out “racial profiling”.

Ucas said it is “extremely concerned” by the figures, released under freedom of information rules, and has launched an investigation.

Cambridge University says it needs the "support of schools and parents" to help increase the number of black British students it enrols.

A freedom of information request by the Financial Times showed some Cambridge colleges admitted no black British students between 2012 and 2016.

The university told the newspaper it would not be able to improve diversity "on its own".
There have been scholarships and schemes for people of different heritages for decades. Is it different now that it's a celebrity and you've heard about it? Or shall we go investigate all other ones. The ones that are more traditionally set out, where the university informs students of it during their tenure.
The financing part happens after you get accepted, so he isn't taking away places for white people, dont worry...

It's his money, his promotion, so he can do what he wants. Do you think he should not be allowed to sponsor black people or that for every black person he should sponsor a white person?

Sounds like a clever way to promote himself and seem altruistic and further his image for a specific demographic.
I guess if he is personally sponsoring people himself he can attach whatever criteria he likes. It would be different if he opened a business of some description that only catered to black people, then he would be subject to equality laws.
Regardless, if Ed Sheehan did the same but only for white kids, the reaction would be seismic.
I saw this on twitter earlier and most of the comments echo your 'what if they were white' question.

A white artist doing something similar would definitely raise eyebrows and be considered racist. If a white person from a poor background did something similar for other white people from a poor background then I doubt it'd be reported at all.

Sure you could deem it racist, but once you get over that you'd see that it doesn't really harm anyone and promotes something we should all be supporting.
Do Black kids from London fare worse than poor white kids from say, Doncaster, Wakefield or Grimsby? Maybe it doesn't matter about them if white kids with well off parents from Oxford and Reading are doing well though?
Do Black kids from London fare worse than poor white kids from say, Doncaster, Wakefield or Grimsby? Maybe it doesn't matter about them if white kids with well off parents from Oxford and Reading are doing well though?

Obviously it does matter but promoting himself aside, its not hard to see why he feels the need to sponsor black students considering he is from London. Wrong or right, i am not going to protest him wanting to pay for a couple of students out of his pocket.

Evidence shows that the black population in London boroughs increases with the level of deprivation, and that the level of crime also increases with deprivation, such that "It is clear that ethnicity, deprivation, victimisation and offending are closely and intricately inter-related
How is any of that relevant.

Also love that the first thought that comes into their head is that the software that detects potential plagiarism is racist. Brilliant.

The real test of whether it's racist is if the hit rate of flagged as potentially plagiarised and then confirmed to be plagiarised was consistent. If 10% of the ones flagged go on to be confirmed as plagiarised, and the rate is consistent amongst ethnic groups then the software's doing its job fairly.
I'm glad he is putting some of his wealth back into the community and i don't begrudge the kids he is helping at all, but the fact he can stipulate the colour of the kids he will help and there is no backlash at all is mind blowing to me. It would be career suicide if a white celeb tried to do the same for white kids and the media and social media would be wanting their head on a pike.

If it really is to do with minorities being under represented at Cambridge then what about the other minorities, why only Black kids?
I'm glad he is putting some of his wealth back into the community and i don't begrudge the kids he is helping at all, but the fact he can stipulate the colour of the kids he will help and there is no backlash at all is mind blowing to me. It would be career suicide if a white celeb tried to do the same for white kids and the media and social media would be wanting their head on a pike.

If it really is to do with minorities being under represented at Cambridge then what about the other minorities, why only Black kids?
Hey Mark A, I think you need to go to a reeducation camp, black people can't be racist.
So let me get this straight - I can give money to people and exclude others based purely on their race? Sorry fellas, I'm hiring no more black, asian or oceanic staff. Whites only.

Hmm...Whites only...I'm sure I've seen signs like that somewhere before...
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