Straight to Phase?

26 Jan 2007
Leicester/The Toon
Hey Guys,

I have a Vapochill XE unit lying around and I am just wondering could I put my motherboard (QuadGT) and stuff straight in there and fire up?

I have socket LGA775, I think the Vapochill should fit as it can be rotated to fit 478 and 775? If I am correct..

Problem is would you want to? You would probably overload the compressor, it would explode, and you would die.
PSU probs aint got enough 12v and ampsto do it and sytem.

Probs the black clame shell you got by sounds and 478 is 478!

As Scotty said it might not hanndle your load and more than like pop and hiss or just go kaboom in your face.

It will not hold a Quad at all, VAPOS LS, MACH 1 OR 2 OR GT EVEN DOESNT


Dual core again a Vapo LS wll but not well.
Phase is a lot of money to keep up with and not worth it imo, you get quad core, unit needs tuning.. give it a year and if octo cores come then your unit needs tuning again. Talking about 300+ quid each time aswell

better off just water cooling imo, yer only losing a couple hundred mhz anyway. Not only that but u dont add a massive bit of weight to the system that way.
With some single stage units currently being tuned to 300w and with smaller CPU fabrication I can't see why getting a unit re-tuned ATM isn't cost effective. But...if you have phase then you shouldn't be worried about the cost.
Interesting, although I do have to confess to being a little confused.

As far as I can tell the Q6600 is a 105W beastie.

The Prometia II supposedly can handle 200W. Should it not be able to easily cope with the Q6600.

My reason for asking was that I almost bought a Prometia II on fleabay last night on the basis of my logic above.
weescott said:
With some single stage units currently being tuned to 300w and with smaller CPU fabrication I can't see why getting a unit re-tuned ATM isn't cost effective. But...if you have phase then you shouldn't be worried about the cost.

My thoughts exactly.

I really think that there is a lot of misleading twaddle touted around this forum about Phase. Once it's set up, that's it. It dose'nt need anything else doing to it, you turn it on, you turn it off. Mine's been running for a year, it has'nt exploded, it has'nt broke down and it handles the load in my sig, with some to spare. This is a hobby, the cost is irrelevent. If it has to be retuned for quad latter on, so what ?
Pooh said:
Interesting, although I do have to confess to being a little confused.

As far as I can tell the Q6600 is a 105W beastie.

The Prometia II supposedly can handle 200W. Should it not be able to easily cope with the Q6600.

My reason for asking was that I almost bought a Prometia II on fleabay last night on the basis of my logic above.

Quad core can put out a heck of a lot of heat. Yes a Mach2GT could handle a quad at stock speeds, but that would be completly pointless. My stock Mach2GT would struggle with a heavily overclocked X2, never mind a quad core. Plus stressing a compressor hard is asking for trouble.

Say a PSU is rated at 500w, and the power drain from your system is 495w. The PSU would manage but run hot and its lifespan would be cut short.

The same principle applies to Phase.
I must say weescott, when my Mach2 was just a standard unit it managed my then Opty 170 @3.1g on 1.65vcore with ease. Even after 8 hrs of dual Prime the cpu temps would never be higher than -10. Now with a modded and tuned Mach2 an opty 175 @3.179g on 1.661vcore after 8hrs of Orthos sits comfortably at -19 on the cpu.

I will say that until the AMD quads are out nobody knows what wattage or heat they will chuck out. So i'm sticking with what i've got, because if it turns out they are cooler than Intel quads, i may need to do nothing. If they are hotter, then another mod is on the cards.
My compressor started to get seriously hot and boil, it sounded like a deep fat fryer. Not good at all. It got switched off pretty quickly. 1.65 - 1.7v on the X2.
weescott said:
My compressor started to get seriously hot and boil, it sounded like a deep fat fryer. Not good at all. It got switched off pretty quickly. 1.65 - 1.7v on the X2.

If that's the case, all i can say is that you probably had something seriously wrong with it in the fist place. The view that a standard Mach2 won't hold an Intel quad, i fully accept. However, it does not mean that a modded Mach2 won't hold an AMD quad.
Not really. It was only when I really pushed the X2 that I had a problem.

Of course a modded mach 2 could handle quad. Thats a rather obvious statement. lol

I had mine tuned for 260w. I might get it tuned for higher. ;)
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