Strange and exotic things you've eaten

Goat Ribs
Wild Boar
Marlin (I think)

There is some other stuff as well but I can't remember them of the top of my head.

Also most of the stuff was eaten when I was out in Africa.

Also fried Mars bars taste like cardboard.
Being born in Nigeria I can equal and maybe surpass El Razur.

African giant rat
Winged termites and Queen termite
African giant snails
raw crabs
raw fish
giant ant eater (probably)

To that I can add -
Sheeps eyes
Frogs (legs)
pork scratchings
and some I can't remember.

Being an ex pat in Nigeria we got invited to every ex pat party going including Americans, French, Dutch, Lebanese, Persians, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese etc.
All would put a food display on that took in their own culture and obviously 'normal' food.
I hated the French parties because they never cooked anything.

I said in another topic in SC that you never asked what something was on the table in Nigeria.
dmpoole said:
Being born in Nigeria I can equal and maybe surpass El Razur.

I think we have a contender here, nice. Looking back on those delicacy adventures now, will you do it again?

Tried those stuff you mentioned too.
I've eaten crocodile, very bland. If it wasn't for the sauce with the dish I had I would say it's virtually tasteless. Not something I'll ever eat again.
ElRazur said:
I think we have a contender here, nice. Looking back on those delicacy adventures now, will you do it again?

I'm actually a very fussy eater now and eat the same plain stuff over and over again.
I would love to have a go at the Bush Tucker trials though and eat Kangaroo nuts etc.
Crocodile when I was about 5 in Paupa New Guinea, where it is called Pook pook. No idea what it tastes like or if I like it, so I can't really recommend it. :p
not exotic but ive once! had fresh lobster in jamaica it was 2 lobsters cut in lenght ways and was absolutly fantastic, i would go back to jamaica just for that meal it was really that nice!

and we also had something called Conch soup wich we all dreaded but was very very nice, but no idea what it is

as for crazy exotic stuff erm.....probably a few worms when i was a kid :p
Can I include a cup of tea made by my own hands? Everyone says 'Hmmm, that tastes strange'. :D

Don't know why I bother making people tea tbh. :(
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