Strange/Funny happenings in exams?

in my mocks and previous exams we've had countless numbers of modulators fall sleep and sorta slump to one side of the bench/chair that they're sitting on.

also a lass in my year in school has has a fit in an exam. got 2 teachers to drag her out of the exams with her feet trailing along the floor,
We had quite a few funnies in our exams, if you went to my school you'd understand why.

GCSE maths paper was broken into 2, calculator and non calculator papers. On the non calculator paper, one of the boys asked the teacher supervising the paper how to do one of the questions. The teacher informed him that he can't give out information in exams so he pulls out a calculator from his coat pocket :rolleyes:

IT COA exam, one kid fancies swinging on the stool in the classroom... SNAP and he hits his head off the desk, he was warned :o

GCSE P.E. One of the exams I hated, we were observed during games and notes were taken by the teacher, that was one side of the exam. During the exam, one of the games we played was basketball, please excuse me if I'm not 100% correct with the rules, I hated basketball and I've not played in 5 years. Due to the very small class we had, we could only manage a game of 2v2. Unfortunately for me my team mate was a bit cack handed and hated the game as much as I did. After crossing over the half way line, you can't throw the ball back into your half. Unfortunately I was then blocked by both of the other team, and my team mate was standing in a bad position for me to pass to him. I had taken the 1 step allowed, so the next one would have been traveling (sp?). At this point I was facing directly towards my net with no line of passing, leaving one option. Threw the ball over my head and it went straight in the net. Got a few offencive comments from the other team and a raised eyebrow from the teacher.

Same exam, this time we were playing football. One of the guys on the other team started to get bored of the exam, so he took to larking about. He decided to blast the football at my testicals quite a few times before I smashed his head off a goal post :o
The only remotely funny thing that happened during one of mine was about fifteen minutes into a maths exam when one lad stood up and shouted "**** sake, I canny dae this ****", and calmly strolled out of the hall to much laughing and jeering.
my german mock examine was super rock if i remember and none of us could do it. to pass the time i got some extra paper and drew a massive race track, complete with pits, cars, helicopters, marshalls crowd and everything. i was well proud. then one of the teachers saw it and went mental and threw me out of the exam.
I find it hillarious when someone farts during an exam. Then you hear the muffled laughing of people trying not to laugh...which makes me laugh even more

Once when we were queing to go into the assembly hall, we were waiting for a class to finish theirs. So theres about 40 people standing in the corridor

Then someone sets off a stinkbomb - pure rancid egg
Everyone has to stand and sniff it as we cant go anywhere else

Then when the other class left the hall, watching every single persons face reacting to the stench was priceless :p
Only thing i can remember is when in one of the mock exams my mate leaned ever slightly too far back on his chair and went flying backwards into a curtain at the back of the hall. Trying not to laugh obviously made it funnier.
Took GCSE French and German. Managed to begin to answer a question in my French Oral exam in German and vice-versa. :D

Got told about a Uni exam where someone I know couldn't stop laughing when he realised one of the invigilators was a transexual/cross dresser. :D
A friend of mine got bored with an English exam and proceeded to draw a massive penis on the back of the paper. The invidulator was not amused.
Invigilator ;)
We have a couple of large ventilation grilles in the main hall of our building which are part of the floor of the attic above the hall.

During mock GCSE exams just over a year ago, it was hailing very heavily outside and some found its way into the attic, and then came down through the grilles onto several desks.

Was very surreal :D

I had a nosebleed during my Geography GCSE exam was genius nobody noticed :(

As for other events

We were having a mock in the basketball court at school and the year 9s were making pigeon noises through air vent. Shame that it was the beginning of the exam.

Most of the other happenings included just writing rubbish during R.E. exams and people competing in making cough noises.
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