Stranger Things (Netflix)

The final episode was good but all in all it was nowhere near as good as the first. Seemed like it was left in a good place to end it as well however the final 2 seconds...
Just finished the last two episodes of S2. Hugely enjoyed it but was saddened by one death. I had been hoping that Kali would return with Eleven at the end. Bring on S3!
Just finished all of season 2. Yes the first few episodes are slow but the last few are superb! I have a new found love for Steve! His and Dustins relationship was hilarious! I felt for poor Dustin getting upset at the disco! I would have danced with him!! Poor Will really gets all the ****. The demodogs are so cool!!
Binged both seasons over the last week or so, love it!

Love Dustin and everything about the nostalgia, just wish they’d flesh out some of the supporting characters a bit more e.g. Max’s abusive brother...

Didn’t expect much going in, but the Mrs and I loved it :)


Some silly decisions from Hopper - going in the tunnels alone in the dead of night.

Dustin after all his 'respect for the rules' he keeps a big ass secret from the group - totally out of character.

Max's step-brother, not sure what was going on there, was building to him either finding out and helping (but that would have been too similar as what happened to Steve) or him taking in the evil spirit and becoming a nemesis or something. But that arc faded to nothing in this series.

And especially loved some of the 80's references, Sean Astin, Paul Reiser, ET, Aliens, The Thing, Gremlins, much!

Bust still been some of the best TV on atm.
Finally got around to starting with Season 2. It's made me all nostalgic again, I was around the same age as those lads in 1984 and that arcade brought back so many good memories. I want to go back.
Whilst I enjoyed it, I did feel the same as most.
They hit on a good idea for the nemesis of S2 but seem to fail with the characters. 11 was seemingly left out of the whole series. Whilst I'm glad she wasn't the be all and end all, with her powers. It did feel like she was just forgotten about.
I'll echo a few of the other comments. I enjoyed S2, but didn't think it was as good as the first.

And there seemed to be a lot of the characters suffering from MSDS (Making Stupid Decisions Syndrome)
Just watched the entire two seasons over the last four days. Wow! What a ride.
I had been told I should watch it but kept putting it off. Glad I finally got round to watching it.

When Bob writes BASIC to reset the server to unlock the doors - that was just silly.

The silhouette in the rift (when 11 was closing it) looked like the Queen from Aliens...

Helps that I would have been the same age as the kids at the time!
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