Stranger Things (Netflix)

After season 1 I felt let down by season 2. Following this and the drab Star Trek I've decided to cancel my Netflix subscription. I literally don't enjoy any of the shows anymore.
Just watched the entire two seasons over the last four days. Wow! What a ride.
I had been told I should watch it but kept putting it off. Glad I finally got round to watching it

Literally the exact same position. I looked at the cover a while ago and just thought meh kids crap and didn’t bother.

Fantastic show and quite refreshingly different.
Started season 1 yesterday, just finished season 2.

Season 1 is better, but I think that’s because the creep factor was higher imo.

Still very cool, loving the 80’s setting and the sound track is great.
Finished season 2. Enjoyed it as much as the first. I'm glad they release it all at once though. The way they ended episode 6 and then followed it up with the rubbish one would have left me raging if I had waited a week.

Soundtrack is so good though, particularly the soft synth pads they use in the background of certain slower scenes. Really notches up the 80's nostalgia stakes for me. You just know a Yamaha DX7 was worn out creating that soundtrack.
I think I am the only person on the planet who found this boring, cliched, and, well, just a bit crap.

OK, one of two people; I'm going to borrow some words that the other chap who didn't like it wrote... "It's basically a bad X-Files monster-of-the-week episode drawn out over an entire season."

Manages to be both slow and rushed at the same time, which is odd. And those bloody kids...
You're probably not, but you're also probably wrong :D

Great show and i loved all the 80's references - as for the kids, have you not seen The Goonies?!

And it wasn't just me who enjoyed, both my young kids (11 & 12) loved it too and can't wait for the 3rd season.
I usually HATE children in almost all tv/film, I think it started with Jurassic Park (and I was a kid myself then), however the Stranger Things gang are ace imo.
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