Stranger Things (Netflix)

Finished it last night and can be added to the list that really enjoyed it.

It was rather emotional at the end, but no-one seems to have mentioned it was Dustin's girlfriend's fault that Billy and Hopper (perhaps) died! I'd be ****** with her! Slowing everything down to sing! She killed two people!
Just because I've seen this argument appearing on twitter since searching out reactions to The Greatest TV Scene Of All Time, I'm going to suggest that blaming your house's tornado destruction on the butterfly flapping its wings is never a clever interpretation. Yes I'm bringing chaos theory to TV discussion :D (well, actually you did, I'm just pointing it out)

Also, going back to the leg/drain complaint earlier: I already suggested this was referencing Terminator 2, but I've got a vague memory that it might also/alternatively have something to do with The Thing. Was there some sort of deleted scene involving a prosthetic leg? I might have to rewatch a couple of YouTube videos which I saw last year that were discussing some of the effects in that movie.
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Just because I've seen this argument appearing on twitter since searching out reactions to The Greatest TV Scene Of All Time, I'm going to suggest that blaming your house's tornado destruction on the butterfly flapping its wings is never a clever interpretation. Yes I'm bringing chaos theory to TV discussion :D (well, actually you did, I'm just pointing it out)

Erm, what? Not really? It was all about doing it quick as possible. She slowed it all down and two people died in the time she inserted into the operation? It's hardly barely related. (Well, one died in the extended time, the other died because the extended time meant the russion caught them up.)
Erm, what? Not really? It was all about doing it quick as possible. She slowed it all down and two people died in the time she inserted into the operation? It's hardly barely related. (Well, one died in the extended time, the other died because the extended time meant the russion caught them up.)

Your assuming that 1) Hopper is dead, I think he went through the gate and is either in the Upside Down or made it through to another exit portal. Remember the end and the Russians having an american? and 2) That Billy wouldn't have died, he was under the control of the Mind Flayer and might have died when it did.
I thought Billy was made normal again through his interaction with eleven before he did his hero moment. Although saying that the moment would have not happened had the delay not taken place.
Chaos Theory: Chaos theory is a part of mathematics. It looks at certain systems that are very sensitive. A very small change may make the system behave completely differently. Very small changes in the starting position of a chaotic system make a big difference after a while.

What happed: One event directly led to an outcome.

"I forgot I needed to fill up with petrol... that meant I missed my flight :( . Oh well, that's chaos theory for you!"
Finished last night, and the final episode was great, but over-all I felt the season a bit pale in comparison to the first 2 (and that is factoring in Eleven's little road-trip in S2).

The first bunch of episodes were just jarringly goofy for me, most of the humour seemed really dumb and childish, which is weird given they are now teens.

Fantastic effects though.

And say what you want about Hopper, he is a much better fighter than you would assume given his physique. :D
Also finished last night and felt it was a real return to form following the disappointing second series. Final episode was incredible and really like the new additions to the “team”. The singing was a little OTT though... could have been done in a less cheesy way ie without the backing track.
We watched the final episode last night and were quite disappointed with the series really. The first series was great, the second was good but not quite as good as the first, but this series had such a weak story that it felt as if they couldn't really think of anything else to continue the story. Acting was very patchy all over, and there were far too many comedy scenes which really weren't funny and felt very forced. Hopper and Byers story was far too dragged out and the arguements between them were just silly. A shame as they have been two great characters. The twist at the end was very weak and obvious too. Still, not as bad as GoT Series 8!

Still interested to see what season 4 has to offer though.
The last two episodes saved the season for me as the individual strands of story came together fully. I had a sneaking feeling that the characters had been split up in that old TV production trick where they were purposely kept apart so that the different parts could be produced simultaneously in different locations. But the finale really pulled it all together.

The explanation for the mind flayer "hanging around" and "wanting to kill Eleven" was the weakest aspect and I would have much preferred a bit more fleshed out of invasion of the body snatchers situation with the residents on the turn. What would have been great is if all of those possessed by the mind flayer had marched to the Mall and we could have had a dawn of the dead homage only to be shocked when their bodies melted and they combined into the mind flayers final form.

I loved the way the season had a change of colour pallet to reflect it was now the mid 80s and the dowdy colors of the 70s were disappearing.
The ending was Toy Story 3 all over again and it totally got me in the emotional glands.

I think:
Hop and Byers was meant to be a nod to 80s buddy cop movies but it didn't quite work and didn't hit the right beats to pull it off.

Dustin, Steve and the Russians was a nod to films like Red Dawn and the Regan era commie invasion films.

Nancy and Jonathan thread was a nod to invasion of the body snatchers

Then obviously the mind flayer body horror was a nod to The Thing and it even got a big mention.

With a Russian Terminator thrown in for good measure.

Anyone else notice when Hop gave Alexi the keys and he got in the car to escape the music playing was "Neutron Dance" by the pointer sisters used in Beverly Hills Cop
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The last two episodes saved the season for me as the individual strands of story came together fully. I had a sneaking feeling that the characters had been split up in that old TV production trick where they were purposely kept apart so that the different parts could be produced simultaneously in different locations. But the finale really pulled it all together.

The explanation for the mind flayer "hanging around" and "wanting to kill Eleven" was the weakest aspect and I would have much preferred a bit more fleshed out of invasion of the body snatchers situation with the residents on the turn. What would have been great is if all of those possessed by the mind flayer had marched to the Mall and we could have had a dawn of the dead homage only to be shocked when their bodies melted and they combined into the mind flayers final form.

I loved the way the season had a change of colour pallet to reflect it was now the mid 80s and the dowdy colors of the 70s were disappearing.
The ending was Toy Story 3 all over again and it totally got me in the emotional glands.

I think:
Hop and Byers was meant to be a nod to 80s buddy cop movies but it didn't quite work and didn't hit the right beats to pull it off.

Dustin, Steve and the Russians was a nod to films like Red Dawn and the Regan era commie invasion films.

Nancy and Jonathan thread was a nod to invasion of the body snatchers

Then obviously the mind flayer body horror was a nod to The Thing and it even got a big mention.

With a Russian Terminator thrown in for good measure.

Anyone else notice when Hop gave Alexi the keys and he got in the car to escape the music playing was "Neutron Dance" by the pointer sisters used in Beverly Hills Cop

I think they initially thought the mindflayer stuck around but was infact re-released after the key was used to re-open the upside down.
Wouldn't this mean that the mindflayer could easily re-appear as long as there is crease of portal being opened and since it only got "released" out of host and its just particle of dust it can easily repossess another host.
It can't technically be killed then.
Wouldn't this mean that the mindflayer could easily re-appear as long as there is crease of portal being opened and since it only got "released" out of host and its just particle of dust it can easily repossess another host.
It can't technically be killed then.

I would hazard a guess the only way to kill it would be to go through the gate and kill it there. Also who is to say there isn't something bigger there?
I would hazard a guess the only way to kill it would be to go through the gate and kill it there. Also who is to say there isn't something bigger there?
Time for eleven to manipulate a nuke and drop it onto hiroshima to create Godzilla and allow Godzilla go through the upside down and allow chaos embark.
Finished it last night and can be added to the list that really enjoyed it.

It was rather emotional at the end, but no-one seems to have mentioned it was Dustin's girlfriend's fault that Billy and Hopper (perhaps) died! I'd be ****** with her! Slowing everything down to sing! She killed two people!

With everything they have been through it’s easy to forget that ultimately, they are just kids.

Suzy is a child that hasn’t had any of the experiences the main characters have. All she knows is her boyfriend hasn’t spoken to her for a week and asks for a random number
How long until we can stop using 'Spoilers' do you think?
I reckon knock it on the head tomorrow - that's two weeks. I watched it pretty steadily, and still finished a few days ago - can't imaging anyone coming late to it and not expecting spoilers to be on view by now.
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