Stranger Things (Netflix)

Ok, let's kill it now!

I've watched the Neverending Story scene about 5 times in that last 3 days :D

I heard Mrs Cheesyboy re-watching it yesterday too. And singing the song around the house!
Aye, most of my friends that have watched it have finished it by now bar one, who's on episode 6 or something. I don't get it, but then I put off watching S2 at all for ages, though once I started it I finished it in a day and couldn't fathom why I hadn't watched it given how much I liked S1!
Aye, most of my friends that have watched it have finished it by now bar one, who's on episode 6 or something. I don't get it, but then I put off watching S2 at all for ages, though once I started it I finished it in a day and couldn't fathom why I hadn't watched it given how much I liked S1!
8 hours sounds like a long time considering they all come out at once. Then you end up starting it and watching 3-4 episodes and realise you're already half way through so may as well watch the rest. That's my guess.
8 hours sounds like a long time considering they all come out at once. Then you end up starting it and watching 3-4 episodes and realise you're already half way through so may as well watch the rest. That's my guess.

I more meant why I had put off watching S2 for so long given how much I had liked the first season!
I have come to a realisation in recent days.

When I first watched through season 3, the Neverending story bit jarred me. Yet here I am many days later and the one clip that I keep on going back to on youtube etc, is that very scene. I didnt really like the scene when I watched it but now, looking back I see it as THE defining scene of the season. Its actually SO well done. The look of utter confusion on Steves face, the sideways glance from Will as if to say W.T.F. The look of sheer of hopelessness and disbelief on Hoppers face and the hilarious we're doomed head against the wall of Joyce. It all blends so well and is by far and away now my favourite scene of the season. Suzie simply MUST be in season 4.
Its actually SO well done
It truly is. The reactions are just amazing. As well as all the 'WTF' faces, I love how the monster pounding after the car suddenly becomes irrelevant when it cuts to Steve and Robin. And all the music video-style camera sweeps, including the Hop/Joyce one :D

Erica is great at grounding the whole thing too.
I have come to a realisation in recent days.

When I first watched through season 3, the Neverending story bit jarred me. Yet here I am many days later and the one clip that I keep on going back to on youtube etc, is that very scene. I didnt really like the scene when I watched it but now, looking back I see it as THE defining scene of the season. Its actually SO well done. The look of utter confusion on Steves face, the sideways glance from Will as if to say W.T.F. The look of sheer of hopelessness and disbelief on Hoppers face and the hilarious we're doomed head against the wall of Joyce. It all blends so well and is by far and away now my favourite scene of the season. Suzie simply MUST be in season 4.

Then ending was very reflective and the musical number was self indulgent but a wink to the viewer and the way it was all edited was fantastic. So unexpected and original, I thought it was great.
Just finished it. I liked it, it's better than season 2 imo, but it's getting seriously formulaic.

- Weird **** starts happening.
- Main character(s) get infected and start acting weird or disappear.
- Big bad becomes less shadowy and more in the spotlight.
- Evil corporation/government figures behind it all.
- Close the gate to defeat the big bad.
- Finish with a reveal that it's not over yet.

We're 3 seasons in and still know bugger all about the upside down and the creatures have been less and less interesting as each season passes. The original Demogorgon design is miles ahead of the demodogs in Season 2 and the lame RE5 Ouroboros knock off in Season 3.
My least favourite season so far, and the second while enjoyable wasn't a patch on the first (it was always hard to follow as it's one of my favourites not recent years). I found the constant hit and miss humour jarring, seemed incongruous and far more prevalent than in the others.
Finished S3 - amazing!!!

Too short
We did not learn anything more about the Upside Down, would have been nice to go back there and explore and also maybe learn about it and how it came to be etc
Erica - i understand her character, but the actress was annoying
Overly long Coke scene - wtf was that about?
Steve H was underused and less of a hero/leader than previous seasons - although Scoops Ahoy was perfect.
Would have been nice if they could have used Wills 'neck chills' as an alert/alarm system,. but by the time they started everyone knew bad guy was there anyway.
Wtf happened to Nancy - she looks as rough as a badgers a$$

Effects - awesome
Russian Terminator
Robin - more please
Never Ending Story - an iconic scene!
Am I the only person who just can't get into this.

I barely go through Season 2 last week. Normally I am happy to put on anything random and let a show play on the TV while I either watch it 100% or edit my photos next to it. I got through Season 1 easy enough, season 2 I stopped after ep 6 for like a year and thought I finish it to watch S3.

Started S3 this week, I have tried 3 times now and still not got through Episode 1. I found the characters and plot a bit cliche actually, it is a real struggle to watch 5 minutes of's almost like a better production of Buffy without the wit.

Am I alone?
Finished S3 - amazing!!!

Too short
We did not learn anything more about the Upside Down, would have been nice to go back there and explore and also maybe learn about it and how it came to be etc
Erica - i understand her character, but the actress was annoying
Overly long Coke scene - wtf was that about?
Steve H was underused and less of a hero/leader than previous seasons - although Scoops Ahoy was perfect.
Would have been nice if they could have used Wills 'neck chills' as an alert/alarm system,. but by the time they started everyone knew bad guy was there anyway.
Wtf happened to Nancy - she looks as rough as a badgers a$$

Effects - awesome
Russian Terminator
Robin - more please
Never Ending Story - an iconic scene!

This pretty much sums up my thoughts, absolutely loved S3 and will be watching again.
Awesome TV!!

I totally loved Steve's role here, less destructive than S2 but weirldy loving his friendship with Dusty.

The last episode where they're singing while packing the house really made me chuckle, so well done. Absolutely loved it!!
Am I the only person who just can't get into this.

I barely go through Season 2 last week. Normally I am happy to put on anything random and let a show play on the TV while I either watch it 100% or edit my photos next to it. I got through Season 1 easy enough, season 2 I stopped after ep 6 for like a year and thought I finish it to watch S3.

Started S3 this week, I have tried 3 times now and still not got through Episode 1. I found the characters and plot a bit cliche actually, it is a real struggle to watch 5 minutes of's almost like a better production of Buffy without the wit.

Am I alone?

The era is one of the main characters, if you aren't interested in the setting then it's basically just a set of tropes from everything that has gone before. I'm fascinated by the 80s growing up in them so even when the story is sub par I just love looking at the sets, the clothes and spotting the nods to things from my childhood. Stranger Things is nothing groundbreaking it's just a bit of feelgood fun.
Finished it last night.
Yeah it's better than 2 by miles but I really just watched it to say I've seen it.
It's just a fake nostalgia trip for the 20 and 30 somethings.
Good characters although im getting bored of the kids, except Dustin.
I guess series 4 is on the cards with a reunion and collage/highschool cliché trope theme.
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