Stranglehold Demo Up Xbox 360

29 Oct 2002
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
Demo: Stranglehold
Content: Stranglehold Demo
Price: Free
Availability: Not available in Germany
Dash Text: [ESRB: M (Mature) BLOOD,DRUG REFERENCE,INTENSE VIOLENCE] Play as Inspector Tequila in this single-player demo and engage in cinematic firefights, inspired by John Woo, blasting your way through a fully destructible Hong Kong marketplace.
Size: 1.28 GB
Downloading now. I love the movie hard boiled, its like a better die hard so this should be good!

Its supposed to be quite a big demo as well.
thanks for the heads up, going to download this not sure if its going to be any good or not but i will give it a chance. i havent even head of this game before now but that could just mean i have been living under a rock the past year
RoB- said:
This game is kind of like Max Payne isn't it? If so it's worth a look.

From the videos it looks like it except with a cover system added, as well as destructable enviroments. I doubt the storyline will be as cool as Max Payne.

No Payne, no gain.
3rd person run and gun, very simple and totally on rails but still fun to blast the levels and enemies apart. Started to get a bit boring though, you just walk into a new area where 2-10 enemies show up and then you kill them and move on. The demo stops right at the demo club level they have showed in the past which was the one level I actually wanted to play! :(
I love it, it would be boring if you just ran about but you just slide across tables and shoot guys in the face or run up railings with your dual pistiols. Shooting someone in the ass with the precision aiming mode is a laugh and a half.
SHEF said:
3rd person run and gun, very simple and totally on rails but still fun to blast the levels and enemies apart. Started to get a bit boring though, you just walk into a new area where 2-10 enemies show up and then you kill them and move on. The demo stops right at the demo club level they have showed in the past which was the one level I actually wanted to play! :(

Guess you'll have to buy it now then. They aint that stupid :p.
To be fair, its definately not the shortest demo I have ever played and well above average these days - yes I'm looking at you GRAW 2 and Blacksite! :D :eek:
Question: I live in Germany, but have bought my xbox from the UK rainforest, my Live account still says UK on it. Will I be able to get this?

Violent games aren't bad, but its like the Carmageddon saga in the UK. No blood etc. For Saints Row I have the "Saints Row BRD" version of the game. It just seems to lack the blood.
If you have a UK address on your Live account you should be ok, in a similar fashion to some people who have doubles who live in Japan.
good fun ubt its a bit odd

Shoot a guy with precision aim in the fac and he screams as he dies ? surely u die before u can scream ? lack of limbs being blown of ala soilder of fortune is a bit dissapointing
Cant wait for this game...Downloading.

Think im going to go for the Collectors Edition PS3 version with hard boiled on the Blu ray, Shame only north america have the Collectors Edition.

Will have to import then!

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