Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Wong goes to losers.

Edit: Wong is out. Night chaps.

Edit 2: Jambo you should never have dropped Adon for scummy Ryu, he owns!
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"Thanks to Mad Catz for these golden sticks that will be going out to NOT Justin Wong"

haha funny commentary there, I totally forgot about the stream, was watching Twin Peaks and was reminded of it for some reason and when I checked it Wong had just been sent to losers!
Anyone know how to record live streams? I gave up and went to bed at about 2.30am.

11PM to 12AM was actually HRD semi's. Cole(Sim) vs Daigo(Ryu) was a great match with an exciting finish to the match (both were really low on health).

After that was the SSF4 semi's. Was wowed by Vangief's standing 720 Ultras out of nowhere! Then i missed a lot of the good matches after going to bed :(

Those left are:

Super Street Fighter 4 — Top 8

Winners bracket:
Daigo Umehara (Ryu) vs. Mike Ross (E. Honda)
Vance "Vangief" Wu (Zangief) vs. EG.Ricky Ortiz (Rufus)

Losers bracket:
Henry Cen (E. Honda, Dhalsim) vs. GamerBee (Adon)
Infiltration (Akuma, Juri) vs. Shizza (Chun-Li)
Anyone know how to record live streams? I gave up and went to bed at about 2.30am.

11PM to 12AM was actually HRD semi's. Cole(Sim) vs Daigo(Ryu) was a great match with an exciting finish to the match (both were really low on health).

After that was the SSF4 semi's. Was wowed by Vangief's standing 720 Ultras out of nowhere! Then i missed a lot of the good matches after going to bed :(

Those left are:

Super Street Fighter 4 — Top 8

Winners bracket:
Daigo Umehara (Ryu) vs. Mike Ross (E. Honda)
Vance "Vangief" Wu (Zangief) vs. EG.Ricky Ortiz (Rufus)

Losers bracket:
Henry Cen (E. Honda, Dhalsim) vs. GamerBee (Adon)
Infiltration (Akuma, Juri) vs. Shizza (Chun-Li)
i like the fact a chun li is still in it. shizza is a great chun li and pad player
Wow Arturo vs Daigo went to the wire again. Daigo was 4-3 down, losing 1-0 in the game, match point Arturo. Another awesome comeback from Daigo taking it to 4-4, with the final game going to the third round, which was also close! Won't spoil it totally since it's going to be uploaded on

Up now is Marn vs Daigo.
Top 32 was absolutely amazing last night!

Can't believe Justin is out, but i'm really pleased Mike Ross is in top 8.
Loved it when he won, he got so hype!

I just feel Justin got two really hard matches.
Rufus vs Zangeif is incredibly hard, and no one play Adon in th US.
He almost won both, and it's a real shame he isn't in top 8.

I'm glad Saltford Kelly went out. He was really salty when the pause happened, and he was always gonna get destroyed by Rufus.

Can't wait for top 8


You can see the first half of top 32 here:
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Yea i tried that link earlier, it cuts off at when the original stream cut off (during Guy vs Rufus (Wong)) so it's only about 38 mins long. (and it's all stuff i saw at the time :p)

Found another place with all the top 32 matches though!
It actually has videos of the full stream coverage, for those interested in HRD, tekken, etc.

I reckon that's going to be the best place to watch them (unless you buy the DVD), as any uploads to youtube get deleted.

The Salty Suite stream just ended. After Arturo, Daigo played Marn, then Kai, and won both quite comfortably. The Arturo match was INTENSE.
Aye that Arturo / Daigo match was brilliant, so unlucky for Arturo. I guess that's why I like watching people like Daigo so much, he could have 1 pixels worth of health and still knacker you.
ggs today artheas, sorry i had to go early.

nice to see you trying to learn a new character in fei long, although you beat my vega easily, i got a feeling he would be extremely hard to learn :(

the only bit of advice i would say is try anti air more with the fire kick. my bison was able to jump all over you and the only time you did do the fire kick, you dominated me.

EDIT: yay i have finally reach my final trial mode target of 92% completed! most character that doesnt name ryu or ken have only one or two trials left and i am so proud of being able to do gen's last trial.

but i honestly dont think i can do those super jump cancels into ultra anymore...
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hmm thanks. i did kind of forget to antiair as i was concentrating on trying to use his pokes. I'll need to find pro vids of him as that's how i learnt most of my chars, through watching event coverage.
Your bison was better than i expected, considering you never use him. Not sure if it was because i was using Fei or not, but i got beat pretty good.
Are there any videos up yet of Daigo vs Arturo? Or any of the other money matches?

I just watched some of the evo 2k10 semi final games and finals from last night/this morning, nice to see Daigo tearing apart the americans once again. :D

His fireball and DP game is just something else.
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Just watched the whole arturo vs daigo match. What a tense game lol, the commentators were talking as though it was over when he was 4-3 down, 1 round down, and had a huge health disadvantage, mind you I couldn't see a way back from that either but write Daigo off at your peril.
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Yeah, I haven't really been impressed with the commentary this year for the ustream. Shame DJ Wheat wasn't doing it, he's much better.
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