Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Good games Parky, Arth and Rav.

Few things:

1- My TE stick is a PS3 dual modded stick, there is no xbox home button on it, how do I access the accept game screen?

2- This was my first session on 360, on a different telly, sat quite a bit away from the screen so I was adjusting... :p

3- Which mic would I need, my volume was too low to actually hear you guys clearly.

Good games though, atm I can't accept requests I have to send only!!!
Sorry about the rage quit, as i explained to Art i had to go out and play badminton with the gf.

With regards to the xbox home screen, you could try plugging in the xbox controller and using the guide button on that to accept game requests. It might work, i'm not too sure though?

Just get the regular xbox mic, should be around £15.
Who modded your stick, you need to make sure that it will accept your mic and don't waste your money. Just ask them to check.
Sorry about the rage quit, as i explained to Art i had to go out and play badminton with the gf.

With regards to the xbox home screen, you could try plugging in the xbox controller and using the guide button on that to accept game requests. It might work, i'm not too sure though?

Just get the regular xbox mic, should be around £15.
Who modded your stick, you need to make sure that it will accept your mic and don't waste your money. Just ask them to check.

Lol I thought I was pulling of an awesome combo with Guile when I had you in the corner only to notice you were just stood there and not even blocking :o

I will try access the 'accept game' screen with the pad, that's how I access the msg screen on the PS3!

Already have the regular 360 mic but doesn't that connect to the pad? I will have to double check it tomorrow, it's still in the box I never bothered taking it out.
There are two types of mics, the old ones have this little shield around the end covering the jack, and the new ones don't.

If you've got the new mic, you can just plug it in, if you've got the old mic, you'll need an adapter.

I've got a spare that i can probably send out if you need it.
Who's up for some games later on 360? Endless battle mode with winner stays on, 3 ppl with a best out of 5 rounds or 4 ppl with a best out of 3 rounds. Either of those is probably the most ideal. I am up for some Ryu and Guile practice!
I'm holding my own with arth and rav atm but only really if I use Ryu. It's not easy playing with a cat trying to climb on you then trying to sleep on your lap lol.

When I press the xbox home button from pad 2 I still can't view msgs or accept invites. Nor does the mic work plugged into pad 2. I may have a valid reason to buy a new arcade stick... :p

If anyone has a wireless mic they don't use in the meantime, let me know!!!

You have a complete lack of footsies.

If you represent the more, your Ryu will be a lot better.

I think when i was Blarog, you only ever hit me when you managed to pull off a focus attack crumple.

If you throw more fireballs and play around the footsie range, you'll be a lot better.

You are very patient though, which is a good and hard skill to learn, and your execution is good too.

Just practice moving in and out of range and bait some normals and you'll be hard to beat. Just don't abuse the FA too often.

But good games though :)

We'll try and figure something out with regards to your mic and guide button.
Anyone still play this on ps3?
Sounds like xbox is where the actions is at nowadays :(

Most on here I think only really play on the xbox and have done for awhile. Once my telly is sorted though I will occasionally pop online for a game so shout me whenever, best to just post on here in advance mate. I can throw in the occasional Guile aswel now. :p

I haven't played at all in ages. It's a pretty terrible fighting game in the grand scheme of things and I got bored of it.

Catch me on MSN to discuss options.

Will do mate.
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