Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

af0, hyv and overmostheads, fantastic games tonight, I thoroughly enjoyed playing and watching those matches!

Any tips?

hyv, I won't underestimate you next time, I was doing you a disservice by assuming your skill level was below mine :)

I was rooting for you in those very close games!
ggs everyone, it was good fun. i ended the the night 2-9 i think, i lost to omh's abel and beat his akuma after everyone left. i am slightly disappoint about the results knowing every game was close. but like i said before, i must have the best anti-clutch out of all ocuk members. at least i am glad to know i can play almost at the same level as player close to 4000pp (online anyway, i would love to play everyone offline because it will be a completely different story)

i got caught surprised by the good guy player. i have never played a good guy before, apart from one in ranked match (whom i beat with extreme scrubby online tactics). i did well early with some random uppercuts, but until he starting reading me...i am going to upload the games for everyone to see and future references, if anyone dont mind.

@Kreeeee lol, thanks for cheering me on! i dont mind getting underestimated, it just mean i have more chances of winning :D. i had to play properly (something you rarely see i do) against these players with 4000+pp and 12000bp! anyway you did put me under a lot of pressure in the corner in the final round. i didnt know how to get out despite having a super.

i guess you would have use the jab pressure more and headbutt less, especially when opponent has lots of meter. at least against me and that guy player, we could have punish the blocked headbutts with massive combo every time. ken players, well at least me, dont usually throw fireballs much, so i think you could have play footsie a bit more. just me 2 cent anyway.

@omh ggs mates. cant believe i let you ultra though my fireball, thats something i usually do to people not the other way around. i didnt think abel's ultra will reach that far. it must be a pain to level up cody to 9000bp, because he isnt the best of characters, so i admire your skills and spirit! i still feel salty about that blocked anti air ultra! it was hard enough to bait you jump forward, and to miss a chance like that is disapointing.
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Yes gg guys, your balrog was very tough Kreee ... had you not missed a couple combos you would have probably taken some of those games. Other than that you really played the match perfectly good stuff.

I took the last one :P

I struggle to understand Sim's teleport mixup, and I've only recently picked rog up again so yeah I am missing a few links. You're clearly the better player though.

(online anyway, i would love to play everyone offline because it will be a completely different story)

Yeah, I think Adz and his mate were a bit shocked when they first played me offline at hitbox.

Feel free to upload all of my games... not a word on the random headbuts though, I'm still trying to get used to rog again :p
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Oh you was the Ken vian? good games mate, a lot of those games could have gone either way, very close... I got lucky with the blocked anti air ultra indeed I was expecting it to hit me.. Cody was my original main when the game came out, I dont think hes too bad of a character hes about mid tier in my opinion but I am a little rusty with him after so much dhalsim play - ggs look forward to playing you again
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i played cody on the release of ssf4 as well. personally i think cody is mid-low tier, easy combos good damage and good normals. but his reversal options are really bad and he has almost no wake up game. i think ken can abuse his weakness with just j.hp option-select into shoryuken, which beats all of cody's wake up options.

i hope capcom at least give him decent walk speed in the arcade edition
It's annoying that I can beat hyv easily, but always lose to omh even though you 2 seem to have very close matches :P

only because omh plays aggressively and walks into some uppercuts because of that. if he can anticipate my uppercuts or just keep me out, which is how kreeeee beats me, i think he will win against me very easily every time.
been a while since ive played ssfiv lol had adz a few friendlies at his quiet recent and got my a** handed to me lol definitely getting back into this now. will be online regular from now on, open for games with anyone :D feel free to add me whoevers on ps3- PSN: GTI-Jambo
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