Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Does anyone know what Balrog's high damage advanced 'bnb' is after a stun/crumple?
I've seen some pros do it - i thik it starts with close standing HK, folowed by 2 normals, into a special.
The only normal i can find that links into standing HK is crouching LK. and no normals link after that =/
Does anyone know what Balrog's high damage advanced 'bnb' is after a stun/crumple?
I've seen some pros do it - i thik it starts with close standing HK, folowed by 2 normals, into a special.
The only normal i can find that links into standing HK is crouching LK. and no normals link after that =/

jump hk or focus attack,, s.lp or, ex upper, c.lp, clp headbutt or more ex uppers?
(jhk) hk cmp dp

Or use clk instead of cmp if your execution is poor. Never worth doing a loop due to dizzy scaling and no re-stun. Dp super if you have meter.

People need to stop focusing on dizzy too as it counts as 2 hit in damage scaling.

Is everyone jumping on the rog bandwagon before the ae nerfs?
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If anything, the AE nerfs should discourage people picking him up.
Is HK - c.MP char specific? Nothing could combo after s.HK except c.LK, against Ryu.
If anything, the AE nerfs should discourage people picking him up.
Is HK - c.MP char specific? Nothing could combo after s.HK except c.LK, against Ryu.

It's 1 frame, same timing as clp cmp and cmk cmp iirc.

edit: got back today and tried it. Works fine against Ryu.
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gg's adz and jaguar.

Jag, why do you do uppers without ever hit confirming them? You do a lot of sweeps too. That predictability made you very easy to beat.

adz, just play a solid Ryu. Ryu is very, very good against Deejay so there aren't many tips to give. Every option ryu has beats Deejay in all situations, and your derp to Ultra and general damage output is something Deejay can only dream of.

You both sit back when losing though... :(
I use to be too attacking now I'm too defensive. I need to find some sort of balance. Nice way to finish the evening off though, a good hiding first by Distorted and then by yourself. I'm tired from football, that's what it must have been. :o;)
Some of you have prob already seen this but its one of the best, most exiting, tense Ryu mirror matches ever! Daigo Umehara vs Alex Valle, still at it, 15 yrs on... :)

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