Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

How are you chaps getting on with MK? I'm giving it an honest chance but it feels like a bit of an effort to enjoy the game at the moment. Not least because it's turned my SF game to brass.

Sold it on Saturday, it's a pile of crap if you want to play multiplayer.
Dislikes: negative edge is HUGE in this game, expecially during dialled in combos.
Block button is kinda weird but I've gotten used to it.
Training mode doesn't remember what you set it to last time, each time you go in you have to change the options again (does my nut in)
Trying to find a character with a good high-low mixup since a lot of characters aren't very threatening if you just block low.

Likes: Erm....... I'll get back to you on that in a week when I find something nice to say about it.

Sub Zero can overhead (I think its back + BK) into ice blast to freeze then combo of choice.

Noob Saibot also has overhead mixups in his safe strings.
I loved story mode and the tower, I've played very little online against actual opponents because of the lag, would love to try it in a lag free setting.. I use Kung Lao and Cyrax cos I learnt a few juggles :D I'd probably get slaughtered against someone who knows what they're doing
GGs meansfgamer and alexgrandmaster, I swear my sticks broken, I taunted about 2-3 times in that session while trying to do ultra. :/ I wish I could blame the stick lol, shocking when you miss a free hit ultra though, hey meansf... theres a new Guile on the block :cool::D;)

Edit: Heres one combo I managed to pull off: > cr.lp > cr,lp > cr.lp > > EX.fireball > FADC > Ultra > taunt lol

Amazing combo for me! I seem to be getting 'slightly' better at them, which is good since I've been playing the game for 2 yrs!!!!
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Adz, now you have the BnB's down (finally :p ;)) you should move onto the extra damage options (fhp chp [plink with clp] hdp as a punish), OS's (jump fierce, OS DP) and frame traps.
Since we're showing off combos..

2 of the best 3 combos i've managed to do online. (3rd was some waste of meter, double fadc corner combo using Ryu on Salu).
Hardly combo video stuff.. more like, pro BnB :p

Best I've managed with DeeJay online is:

1 - jhp cmp exmgu dash Ultra. Only ever done this once!
2 - jhp clp cmp sobat FADC clp clp cmp air slasher FADC clp clp mgu

Both have multiple 1 frame links.

He has more damaging and flashier combo's but I've never hit them online. Combo 2 above could have been better but I got excited and ended it simply.

I don't record my matches though so not got any proof that I did those. Also Balrog doesn't have a single impressive combo so nothing to report for him.
The sako and Sakura combo was very impressive. The best I have done is, c.lp, s.lp, s.hp, super with chun li or step kick into Abel bnb
It's generic, there's nothing flashy or unique about it. If plinked the jab>strong a 2 frame link too (the jab after exru is a 2 frame link fyi), something which cannot be done on DeeJay's ex MGU dash Ultra with is 2 1 frame input windows in a row.

It's not easy to do that loop, but imo it's nothing to get excited about when I see someone do it.
With plinking everything is easy, you may as well say you could plink the jab with back and make it even easier. I find doing the loop 4x into stand jab ultra much harder and more impressive than pointlessly dashing when you can just walk forwards to hit that combo midscreen.
You can only do that on less than half the cast.

I understand you main rog and are naturally defensive of comments like mine, but we just obviously have different opinions here.
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