Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

I text you, the ball top on my stick somehow has gotten loose. So when I push/oull the stick it slips, very annoying. I've fixed it now though, so if your on again tonight we'll commence battle... and no lame excuses like "I'm eating PIzza" ;)
It's a shame you're not on xbl Death, you'd probably level up your stuff a lot faster playing with the lads off here..

Yea I had plans to get a 360, but other things have got in the way (money related) :(
Would be good to get some pointers from yourself mate, as I main Oni, my Fav character by far, and teaching one to one online would be brilliant.

Who knows I may get a 360 some day :D

Untill then I will just keep looking through the forums and listening to all your crazy banter lol
What format do you have it on? I picked up the fight stick and another copy of the game cheap so am playing on PS3 at the mo.

If you want a game feel free to add me - ShortWarning

I am bloody terrible with this fight stick, I'm struggling with the most basic of combos. I will keep at it though.
What format do you have it on? I picked up the fight stick and another copy of the game cheap so am playing on PS3 at the mo.

If you want a game feel free to add me - ShortWarning

I am bloody terrible with this fight stick, I'm struggling with the most basic of combos. I will keep at it though.

I haven't played any fighting games recently at all but I'm starting to get an itch to start again so I will run a set with you if you like, I'm on PSN and XBL so I don't mind what platform you're on. Add me my PSN ID is in my sig, I'll hopefully see you on tonight.
What format do you have it on? I picked up the fight stick and another copy of the game cheap so am playing on PS3 at the mo.

If you want a game feel free to add me - ShortWarning

I am bloody terrible with this fight stick, I'm struggling with the most basic of combos. I will keep at it though.

Yea great man I will add you soon, dont think your as bad as me in fairness, I really do suck, not much of a combo man even before I got the stick lol, just ask Drunzer :p.

Cool we will get a few sets soon then mate :D my PSN is in my SIG (Deathjumps)
I recently got an arcade stick, i'm still better with pad but with a little practice i can tell that this is the way to go for me!

stick with it shortwarning :D!
I may be able to have a couple of games at that time. I'm out in the evening tomorrow so it depends what time we're leaving. I will send you a friend request tonight though.
One of my problems too at times. Consciously telling yourself to slow down and relax really does help

Cheers buddy I will try that, I think it could really help me, I do panic esp in Tourneys and out comes the mash, more frustration I think than anything.... the fact that I suck and get hammered pretty badly makes my staying calm a bit harder to do lol.

Its not that bad with AE as I really enjoying playing it, sorry LOVE playing it.

The beatings I get in SFxT, now thats a whole different ball game :(, in its defence I have never given it a lot of time and still can not decide on my characters. Wish they would bring Oni in, but I know that will NEVER happen lol.
Cheers buddy I will try that, I think it could really help me, I do panic esp in Tourneys and out comes the mash, more frustration I think than anything.... the fact that I suck and get hammered pretty badly makes my staying calm a bit harder to do lol.

Its not that bad with AE as I really enjoying playing it, sorry LOVE playing it.

The beatings I get in SFxT, now thats a whole different ball game :(, in its defence I have never given it a lot of time and still can not decide on my characters. Wish they would bring Oni in, but I know that will NEVER happen lol.
Everybody gets nervous/frustrated in tournaments. I've been going to tournaments on an almost weekly basis for over a year now and I still get really frustrated when I know that I should be winning and end up playing much worse.
I panic when I'm on the verge of beating a good player sometimes and I end up throwing the game away. It's something that you will only work out if you keep playing and start to gain confidence in your skills.
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