Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

I get a nice (or not so nice) months break from the internet, so no xbox live, no sky anytime, no STREETFIGHTER!!

I decided to go for Sky Fibre Optic in the end over BT Infinity because we get it for £10 a month. Can't complain with that, but activation is 17th May. So don't worry if you don't see me online, I haven't quit just yet.
Absolutely, my xbox live ran out recently and I haven't renewed it but I probably will this weekend so I'll post again when I have gold.
hi friends,

i started playing zangief on sff4 about a week ago. i am having lots of trouble with being zoned out, i would say on the most part due to my horrible execution with green glove & my lack of knowledge for other chars.
i also have trouble with whiff punishing with SPD which is demoralising, i'm consistent doing 360 notation throws from ground, empty jumps. the problem seems to lie when whiff punishing.

any tips/help?
thank you in advance kind sirs
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