Lodjik, are you friends with Kyle, the Gief?
As much as I don't like saying it, Facebook seems to be the best way to keep up now. Just simply because everyone else uses it and for a lot of people it's the only thing they use. So I'd really recommend just making a throwaway e-mail address to use to join our group, I had to do the same.
We'll be (tentatively) getting all of the upstairs to run the tournament on the 16th, should be good, we're hoping to turn the Braudlaugh into a venue to run monthly tournaments if all goes well.
We have another guy in your position on consoles. The reason we run 360s is simply because that's what Rob and I have. If anyone brings their PS3 down, as long as we know in advance then we should be able to provide a monitor for it. If you guys who have PS3s have a chat about it I'm sure someone can arrange to bring one.