I would like to give the new KI a try but its not likely going to happen... everyone I know is getting ps4 apart from a few and its not like they going to lead me there xbox one for a month or so, so I can get my teeth into it.
The PR for the xbox one has been bad, and the way they are leaking characters one by one to build the hype up for KI really kills all excitement in it for me.
KI is KI, its no way a SF, if it was in the arcade I would place a few 50p(s) to try it, but for me its not a killer app and it wont sell that many systems. Like when the first KI came out, there's was a queue to play it for the first few weeks, then only people played it when the queue for SF was too long.
Its a shame that its not across platform release, even if it was a nintendo exclusive I would consider it; but I'm not putting up with the M$/B$ just for someone to scream ultra combo; esp now when there's extreme combos that take an extreme level of skills to pull off in other games.