Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

I've had this on the PC for a while but only started playing it last week when I got a joystick, must have put in 42 hours in about a week, I'm really enjoying it. I still suck hard, I changed my grip last night and it works a lot better I just haven't found the grip that I feel I can do well in all positions with, I really struggle with dashing with every grip I use :(
I'm quite use to the PC version now, not played on xbox in many months. If anyone fancies some games (around 11pm onwards) leave your ID and I'll add you. In between ranked games, I've been having some good friendlies with a Gouken player I bumped into online, anyone else is welcome to join the lobby.

Do you mean games on the PC? If so add cHk4 :) Normally I do endless battle with 3 friends.
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Yes PC, will add you to my friends list.

Cheers for the games last night mate, one thing I learnt is I'm nowhere near as good as I thought I was lol. More practice needed :D

Does anyone have any decent tips to get better? I struggle no matter what grip I have on the joy stick to be equal on both sides, one side I do whatever I want at will (normally) and the other I can't :(
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Cheers for the games last night mate, one thing I learnt is I'm nowhere near as good as I thought I was lol. More practice needed :D

Does anyone have any decent tips to get better? I struggle no matter what grip I have on the joy stick to be equal on both sides, one side I do whatever I want at will (normally) and the other I can't :(

Honestly, you can research the internet all you want and talk to hundreds of people but you're not going to find a shortcut to getting better you just have to keep practicing. The main thing I would suggest is do not play guys on here all the time when you're new, I did this and whilst everybody is very helpful you're still getting battered constantly and it's not a lot of fun. Try and find people on your own level to play against, I'm talking about people you can run tight sets with constantly.

Then every once and a while play a few guys from on here to gauge how much you have improved, maybe once a week or so. Just grind your weak out in training mode until you're comfortable, it's not going to happen overnight it takes time.

What's your guys take on this? Not out till December but its an option for a cross platform stick at least for Xbox One / Ps4 - The price is okay IMO even with the cables, but the shipping is just extortionate.

I'm kind of hoping Qanba have something in the works, Gremlin Solutions get all their sticks and they're based in the UK so it's handy.. that's who I ordered my Q4 from.
I don't think that will be next-gen compatible though Rash? I could be wrong and I hope I am but I've been reading about a lot of current gen peripherals not being compatible with PS4/XB1.
Are you guys actually gonna but a next gen console? What fighting games have been announced other than Killer Instinct? I'm sticking with my 360 until a new SF comes on the next gen
Guilty Gear Xrd will be next gen as well I believe, that a long with Killer Instinct is enough to make me want to invest in a next gen stick. Even though they're saying there are no current plans to bring USFIV to next gen, it wouldn't surprise me if it did because I feel like we'll be waiting a while before SFV makes an appearance.
Yeah the current sticks won't work with next gen, which is a massive shame. I'm holding out for a cross platform stick anyhow, really do hope Qanba do one.
Just in case some of you guys are doing absolutely squat next weekend, the Electronic Dojo guys have got their major: Vs Fighting 3.

Good bunch of guys running it, promises to be a good turn out as well. You learn a lot from playing offline, and you can always turn up for casuals which there will be plenty.
Tomorrow is the last day of tournament sign ups.
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