Play Mika - She's 5's Abel.
no thats laura
Play Mika - She's 5's Abel.
no thats laura
i stopped playing for a while, but i have played quite a bit since season 2. alex is still crap and i swtiched to rog now. does the same thing but more damage. the mk group hasnt had a meeting for ages, i think we ran out of funds.haha, she has a wheel kick and everything... I have failed!
Still playing Vian? Haven't seen the MK group post in a while? or are you back to Mahvel now the ports out?
DThey've made the inputs exaggerated so you have to propper move the stick about
Akuma looks really fun!
Going to start playing this again at some point. When is season 2 released?
Hmm, they may not release other edition of Street Fighter 5 but another version of Street Fighter is to be released. Ultra Street Fighter with Evil Ryu and Violent Ken added.
This is only on Nintendo Switch.
Funny how streetfighter goes on in years the harder the characters are to understand, Sagat sounds like he's mumbling instead of saying "Tiger".