Stronglifts 5x5

strong numbers. don't worry about missing reps, the whole point of SL is finding your limits and then smashing them. Keep going and you'll be benching 90 in no time :P
Back from holiday with 2 weeks of rubbish diet and no lifting.

Should I try to continue my progression or drop a few kg and build back up?
Work your way up to a weight you're comfortable with.

If you have lost any strength, I doubt it'll take you long to re-gain it based on your progression in the last month :)
Good gains here, you found your groove and hit your LP wave.

Like you I found squats got a lot easier to progress after I got over 80kg. The weight change % starts shrinking as the weight goes up.
Cheers guys. I had a whole month off :o

So today I went down the gym like it was the first time all over again.

The SL app suggested a 50% deload. I didn't go quite that extreme.

October 8
Squat 70kg 5x5
OHP 35kg 5x5
Deadlift 80kg 2x5

My god the squat was so hard! I was shaking, wobbling - all over the place, even after warming up. Horrendous that you can go that far backwards in the space of a few weeks.
OHP felt alright and Deadlift fairly easy, so I'll see how quickly I can get back to normal.

Also did 30 mins fairly hard cycling just to really kill off my legs :p
October 15
Squat 80kg 5x5
Bench 60kg 5x5
Row 60kg 5x5

Still building back up. I think I'll find it difficult because I'm taking in a lot less calories than normal because I want to lose weight. It'll be interesting to see if I can get back to where I was last month whilst cutting back on food.
Cheers - getting there....

October 15
Squat 90kg 2x5 1x4 FAIL :o - too much too soon
OHP 40kg 5x5
Deadlift 110kg 1x5

Mustn't rush it.
After some seriously ropey workouts thanks to barely touching the gym for about 6 weeks and some massive deloading, I'm getting back to normalish

November 7
Squat 5x5 90kg
Bench 5x5 65kg - lost a decent amount here, still working back up. My chest physically looks smaller than it did in September too.
Row 5x5 50kg - lost loads of strength here for some reason

November 10
Squat 97.5kg 5x5 - chuffed with this! Definitely felt like I had more in the tank too :cool:
OHP 42.5kg 5x5 - Nearly killed me, could never have done another set
Deadlift 100kg 1x5 - Grip strength has gone through lack of practice, I could easily lift more otherwise

Weight coming off slowly by watching my diet - 88kg now, down from 93kg in September.

I need to remain focused now and not slip out of routine!
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November 7
Bench 5x5 65kg - lost a decent amount here, still working back up. My chest physically looks smaller than it did in September too.

From what I've read your bench is normally the first to drop. I've just finished a 5 week mini-cut and maintained the majority of my lifts except bench/chest exercises.

It'll regrow soon enough :D
November 12
Squat 5x5 100kg - This was hard but I've done it, my first 100kg squat :cool:
Bench 5x5 65kg - Just couldn't do 67.5, stuck at 65 for now and might do the same next time
Row 5x5 55kg - Starting to feel a bit more normal now
Injured my leg at the weekend doing some off roading, so no squats.

My gym is also having a refurb so I've used the hotel gym which is hugely limited in equipment but better than nothing, just wanted to keep active.

Feels weird going back to dumbbells after using the bar almost exclusively for so long

DB Bench Press
25kg 5x5

DB Overhead Press
17.5kg 4x5
20kg 1x5

Hammer Curlz
17.5kg 5x5

Most novel part about his workout was discovering I have veins! I've been eating pretty low calories for the last few weeks in a concerted effort to lose weight, and I now have visible veins on my arms. Took me by surprise but was strangely exciting to see.
Leg is healed so back at the bar

November 28
Squat 102.5kg 4x5 1x4 - Struggled with this whole session following my break, but powered through until the last set. On the 4th rep I felt my upper back round as I reached the top of the lift, it hurt and I stopped immediately and didn't try for the 5th rep. I've never rounded my back on a squat before - I can't believe people get through whole sessions with bad form and rounded back, do they not feel how obviously wrong it is?
OHP 45kg 5x5 - Sets 1-3 felt fairly easy. Set 4 was tough. Set 5 was almost impossible.
Deadlift 110kg 1x5 - Grip strength still no good and I was worn out from the previous 2 exercises but it felt okay generally.

Weight is down at around 85-86kg
November 30
Squat 5x5 102.5kg - Repeated 102.5 after the previous failure and powered through :cool:
Bench 4x5 1x3 67.5kg - Stumbled on the 3rd set but recovered on the last 2 so I'll repeat this weight. I didn't take a long enough recovery period after set 2 which seemed to be the cause
Row 5x5 60kg - This felt okay, I think I've been trying to rush this exercise in the past so I did the actions a bit slower
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Strong squat to bench ratio :) Good work

December 4
Squat 105kg 5x5 - Hard work again this, I need to start eating or something.
OHP 47.5kg 3x5 1x4 1x3 - Awful, nearly didn't attempt the last set.
Deadlift 130kg 1x5. Bit of a jump but did it and could have done more. Hard though.
December 5
Squat 5x5 107.5kg
Bench 3x5 1x2 1x1 67.5kg - Bench is going backwards at the moment, I'm doing something wrong :(
Row 5x5 62.5kg - Had to do row before bench due to a bench shortage at the gym - adversely affecting my bench attempt or am I clutching at straws?
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