Struggling to sell :(

I don't think you're doing anything wrong as such, there's just a lack of demand for this sort of bike unfortunately. It will sell for what someone will pay for it, the same as anything else.

I saw a mint RSV1000 factory, 1 owner, on a 07 plate with 5k miles, go for £4.3k the other day :eek:

*edit* The photo's are a bit small, it deserves the very biggest & best given the prestige of the bike.
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That's not a 1098 's', just a plain 1098

Ha :p that'll be why then, seems reasonably priced, if the S attracts that much more? it took me three months to sell my last car, sometimes there just isn't anyone looking for one no matter how much you drop your price.

Also have you tried Autotrader? eBay might not be the best place, I seemed to have varied results with cars, a Yaris I sold got no attention on eBay for weeks but went straight away on AT.
If I had the cash I'd buy it from you!

As far as the advert goes new pictures of it in an idilic setting then do detail shots all over when its completely dry. The description is ok but split it out with some bolded headings and split the info into subsections each with a heading. This makes it easier to read, currently it's a daunting wall of text and the images don't grab you enough to make the effort worth while (not to say this is how I search for a bike but some do . . .).

How much have moto-rapido offered you as trade in against a numpty-strada? ;)

Edit: As above, ebay might be a bit low-market for this sort of bike. Try throwing an advert on pistonheads, I've had good success on there selling my RSVR.
I wouldn't have added the update about having the forks rebuilt after spotting a problem once you'd put it up for sale, that would put me off as a buyer, it would leave me wondering what else hasn't been spotted.

In all honesty, you didn't need to mention the fork reseal as you dealt with it promptly, also, Ebay is the last place ide sell a duke, MCN yes, Ebay hell no, like it or not, Ebay carries a bit of a taint when it comes to selling bikes or cars, tis not my first port of call when i'm looking for a new bike ( new to me that is ).

Oh & too much waffle in the ad.
Don't take this the wrong way mate but the pictures kill that ad as they are just to low rent for the bike. People with that kind of money want to buy up not down. The bike needs to have pics taken whilst it sits in a Mint Dry garage & also some on a nice drive with a decent house behind it. Then I would take maybe ten or so pics of the details around the bike showing how mint it is.
The pics & the ad need to be prestige & your presentation is way off.
You know me Chris so you know I'm not trying to be offensive although it does read that way, Hope you get my point. :)
As above mate, I think the pictures are doesn't it any favours. Not so much the setting, more the fact it looks like it's just been raining heavily and the bike has been out side under no cover or protection.
4T5 mass a point as well, these bikes are prestige bikes, and as such, need to be presented in a prestigious way. Some pictures of the detail you mention, like the fact it has a Ducati seat wouldn't go a miss. Maybe a picture of the clocks showing the milage or something.

I'd move it to other places as well instead of eBay. Somewhere like PH or MCN and I'm sure the bike will shift much earlier. I see eBay as a place for older bikes, or winter hack style bikes, not something like a Ducati.
Pointers on how to shift it ?
It's the wrong time of the year unfortunately Chris. I agree with the others as well, those pics do it no justice at all.
But what confuses me most is part of your description. You say the bike has done 2500 miles since you bought it and the rear tyre was new then. But you also say the tyre has only done 200 miles. The 2 don't tally you see my point ?
I also wouldn't sell the bike with the Termi's fitted. You won't get any more for the bike than you would by fitting the standard end cans back on. But you would get a good price for the Termi's sold on thier own.
Wow, thank you all for the really informative replies! As you can all guess, I have little to no skill in putting up adverts, completley missed that part for the rear tyre.

Will sort that out. It has done 2500 miles, still a fair bit of tread left in it. But do you think I should replace it?

I will try get some decent pictures this evening then.

Sadly, my sister has moved back in and the carport is rammed with **** for babies ect ect, so not so pretty.

I will try PH and AT tonight as well.

Thanks again guys! Great feedback!

EDIT: tried to place your advice and sort out the advert.


I will just copy and paste the description into other advert places once I get decent pictures.
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Never seen road salt or heavy downpours in the time I have owned the bike. The bike is in top notch condition, no rusting, scratches, scuffs or oddities. The bike has been treated with ACF 50 all over under the fairings.

Needs to be changed to:

Never used in wet or wintry conditions whilst in my ownership, Cosmetically it is in excellant condition, the framework etc underneath the fairing has been thoroughly treated with ACF 50, & there are no signs of rust, scuffs or scratches on the motorcycle.

as your description is a little messy & any how, also be 100% sure that there are no signs of rust, scuffs or scratches, go over it with a fine tooth comb, other wise you run the risk of giving the owner a get out of jail free card if he decides it's not what he wanted after all.

Re the tire, personally i wouldn't bother changing it as there's plenty of tread left, fitting a new tire won't swing the sale one way or the other given the asking price.
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Needs to be changed to:

as your description is a little messy & any how, also be 100% sure that there are no signs of rust, scuffs or scratches, go over it with a fine tooth comb, other wise you run the risk of giving the owner a get out of jail free card if he decides it's not what he wanted after all.

Re the tire, personally i wouldn't bother changing it as there's plenty of tread left, fitting a new tire won't swing the sale one way or the other.

I have done, and also my mate has done a very detailed once over to make sure there is nothing blindingly obvious.

Maybe it's worth simply putting the following:

Never used in wet or wintry conditions whilst in my ownership, Cosmetically it is in excellant condition, the framework etc underneath the fairing has been thoroughly treated with ACF 50.

Just incase they see a tiny steel bolt head with a tiny bit of rust and as you say, use it as a get out of jail free card.

I personally would keep what VoG said, and go over it yourself with a fine tooth comb, just to check. With your sentence, it feels like it's waiting for a massive 'BUT' at the end.

Also, yeah, don't worry about a new tire. It has plenty of tread left from what the pictures show. With brands like this, and your asking price, I wouldn't worry. If the new owner deems it necessary to get a new tire, they'll probably get a brand & make that they prefer.
A bike like this wont sell in an instant, the private market at this price point is very slow. You have a good advert and a very well kept bike. It is just what a certain someone will be after - you just have to be patient for that person to come along!
I think ide be inclined to change the format when you put it in PH & AT, ide change it to:

Here we have an absolute immaculate condition Ducati 1098 S. 1 previous owner, full and complete service history, all services/modifications and work carried out by Moto Rapido in Winchester.

As you can see from the pictures, I have all books (owners manual, log book ect ect) all neatly kept together. Spare key, inc key code card. Original end cans, inc brackets, filter and ECU. This is all neatly packed into the Termignoni box supplied for the current end cans. These were replaced on first day of purchase by the previous owner. So the original Ducati end cans are effectivly new.

Never used in wet or wintry conditions whilst in my ownership, Cosmetically it is in excellant condition, the framework etc underneath the fairing has been thoroughly treated with ACF 50.

The work carried out on the bike since I have owned it is the following:

New Renthal Chain
New Renthal Sprockets (original gearing)
New Renthal (Med comp) grips
Custom reg plate
Fuel mapping on the termi ECU by Moto Rapido
Suspension setup at Moto Rapido
Front suspension rebuild (all dust/oil seals, new oil and a full clean) at Moto Rapido


Custom seat with Ducati badge (mix between leather suede)
Pillion seat
Pillion pegs
Ducati Data Analyzer
Custom rear sets (full adjustable)
Custom registration plate (original included)
Rear paddock stand (Official Ducati)

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to view. Any weekday and weekend.

Which reads a lot better than the current ad in ebay.
Had the same issue with beautiful Viper green scirocco - listed for 2 months and not a sausage apart from the usual dodger trying it on.
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