Struggling to sell :(

One other thing to consider may be to leave a particular bit of information out so that you at least get some enquiries to your email / phone! Perhaps slightly unorthodox?
I think ide be inclined to change the format when you put it in PH & AT, ide change it to:

Which reads a lot better than the current ad in ebay.

Agreed, nicely written now... and with some great pictures (road side, green grass etc) with it, it'll get more attention. In a picture I want to see the bike/car in a nice surrounding, not in someone's back garden with a possible link to some hi def pictures as well... works for me.
Agreed, nicely written now... and with some great pictures (road side, green grass etc) with it, it'll get more attention. In a picture I want to see the bike/car in a nice surrounding, not in someone's back garden with a possible link to some hi def pictures as well... works for me.

Sadly, I live in a 'poor' area, old council houses (privately owned now), don't have access to a lovely gravel drive.

If people are going to judge on the quality of the surrounding (as in, my back garden), then so be it. There choice, not mine haha.

Personally, I am looking at the bike. Not the surroundings. The surroundings are not going to get better unless I drive to the Windsor castle.
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Sadly, I live in a 'poor' area, old council houses (privately owned now), don't have access to a lovely gravel drive.

If people are going to judge on the quality of the surrounding (as in, my back garden), then so be it. There choice, not mine haha.

Personally, I am looking at the bike. Not the surroundings. The surroundings are not going to get better unless I drive to the Windsor castle.

Fair enough, you wanna see my drive it's a mess rofl :-) No I just mean ride to somewhere where you can get some nice pictures, it's just a selling thing isn't it, it's not judging anyone, it's more if I was selling my Saab I'd not take pictures in my drive as it's ****... I'd drive down a country lane, move the dogger on and park there with a nice back drop...

But yeah, people SHOULD be looking at the bike, however in the real worl, they like to see where it's living etc i.e. one example when I was looking at a CBR600, was chucked down a side alley with a load of timber and **** next to it... really did look a mess. Now for me, this put me off the bike... as I'm thinking is that where he keeps it in that mess?

Funny how minds work. Either way fella that is one lush bike and if I had money I'd have contacted you about it, it's lovely and I am asounded that no ones been over for it... I assume it's the right price and not over priced?

EDIT: You got any close ups of the bike as well, just a couple of right up close might help?
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When I was selling my 999 I cleaned it to within an inch of its life. Then went and found a nice location and took some decent pics. Making sure I had close up of all the expensive extras.

It was a bit of hassle but I didn't have the country manor with the gravel drive either. Yes it was a pain to do but it sold in 2 weeks through Auto trader.


Also, cut the chat on the advert. You sound young, IMO people (myself included) would rather buy a bike of old git who has pottered around on it on dry warm sundays and spent every other day polishing it then a young hoon who rags that arse of the bike (again, myself included :D) Just keep it straight to the point, clear spec. list all the extras. list service history and condition of common replaceable's (tyres, pads etc).

Its an amazing bike though mate in great nick, so im sure it will sell.
To be honest you can go on all day editing your advert until it fits all but I will add my 2c :) the comment "Never used in wet or wintry conditions whilst in my ownership" comes across as

"Never used in wet or wintry conditions whilst in my ownership so if you see any sh*ty bits it's not my fault".

I would personally just leave it out.

Also using pictures taken in the wet or just washed is a big no no.
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Got another offer on ebay last night, £6,800 lol.

I countered with £7,400, which is VERY low in my eyes, but seems to be the ballpark for a high mileage 1098S.

A mint 1098 (standard) will go for £6,800...
Hold out if you can mate. Be crazy to let it go for that price. Checking MCN the cheapest is over 9k for same year and model.
Yep put the bike up on MCN, when I sold my f800 I had all the initial offers through ebay but after I sold it I had another 5 from MCN. Unfortunately I couldn't store it and my new bike so had to let it go quickly, if I'd have hung on I'd have got more money.
As above. A dealer is still going to ask 9k-10k for it, absolutely no reason at all to let it go for less than 8k. And get those Termi's off and the standard cans back on. You could easily get £800 for them with the ECU, but it won't add £800 worth of value to the bike.
not sure but I did faster bank transfer with mine so cancelled the ebay ad instead of letting it complete, god imagine the paypal fees on £8k :D Think the biggest cost is the initial advert.
God, I wish I had the money to buy it!!!

Anyway, my 2p - eBay... the mentality of users (that I've seen) is that it's a auction site, so they want auction prices - if it's worth 8k private sale, they'll want it for 6k. So as others have said, take it off there and stick it somewhere else.

Secondly, and this might put some off - there's no shots of the right-hand side; people might be think you're hiding damage...

Best of luck with the sale anyway OP :)
Finally got round to getting some 'decent' pictures.

Not the best surroundings, but you get the idea :)


That's more like it, right up close shots, soog stuff and does show it being a minter. All I'd say is, move the link into the original advert now, as it took me a few seconds to see where they were... apart from that, if that don't sell it, god knows, maybe the markets drying up for a weapon of powaooorrr!?
I don't think the images really do it justice. The purpose of the images is to attract the attention of a buyer, not sell it. The bike will be sold when it is viewed.

If possible you really need to get the bike into either a better location (even if it just means better backgrounds) or at least capture it when the sun is out and you can really see the bike and the viewer can have a good mental image of them on it in good weather.

This set sold my old ER-6F within a week
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