Struggling to sell :(

The pictures to me make it look like its been nicked and kept in someones back yard! As others have said, just drive it a few miles out of town for some nice photos with it not on paddock stands in a garden.
I found a couple of decent places to photograph the bikes near Wallingford on... Sunday. A leafy car park and another one by the river. Can show if you like!
Well, it's going next weekend! £7,400 in the end, the mileage REALLY killed the value :( Sucks.

But oh well. What a bike to have owned!
Shame you had to take a bit of a hit on the price mate but at least it's gone.

So come on. When you pick up the replacement.
Nothing, I have not been without a bike for the last 4 years. Time to take a break me thinks.

Was going for a Multi, but meh, then I was going to get a green laner dirt bike for fun, but meh.

Time for a car I think... Might pick up a dead cheap low rider, like a Enfield or something similar as a project. But yea, house is now my main priority :(
I've just popped my Intruder up for sale. I've ridden 300 miles since I bought it, making it a rather expensive ornament.
Think I'll supercharge the S2000. At least I use that.
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