Firstly really good work doing this Stulid it's a fantastic set of results.
I especially like the pic's of the spread test

Userability is oftern overlooked. So the spreadability results are imho your best table
Good comparision of what different TIM's are like straight out of the tube.
And most importanly you said how they were tested - so we know the limitations/bias.
BUT it's not a fair test for a few reasons.
Firstly, no air temp measured so no delta T weighted results
And let's face it the weather has been REALLY changeable over the last few weeks even on 'simular' days.
Secondly, no temps measured after a significant cure time - some TIM's need this
(this is a major nightmare for TIM testing - so I understand why you didn't do it)
Thirdly, no multipul mounts of the same TIM
Some TIM's are very dependant on mounting pressure - and can been over 2c different between best and worst case.
Forthly, (and this is an easy one to fix) no pic of the surfaces.
Is your 3570k concaved / flat / slanted
Is your Kuhler920 bowed / flat / forever changed after the liquid metal was applied.
Some TIM's do really badly on uneven surfaces.
And finally does one of your cores run hotter that the others? - No actual temp data.
All result are measured in same way I know but still nice to know raw data.
I know I'm being picky - and I fully realise and massively appreciate the amount of work that's been done.
I'm just highlighting the bias of the less scientific readers.
As other have said it's a shame TIM's not sold by OcUK are not inc
but I actually like the fact the sample are all sold by one shop.
For the record I use MX-2 to test / tweek (no cure time / good results / cheap)
and IndigoXtreme (reflow / exceptional results / expensive) when happy things are not going to change for 6 months plus.