'Suicide bomber' taxi explodes at Liverpool Women's Hospital

(Not a negative, just an observation. I very much love the multiculturalism in greater Manchester and think the positives of it far outweigh the downsides)
Really positives? Like what? The Jews live in their area the Pakistanis live in their area with very little "integration". Only good thing about multiculturalism is I can get a decent curry on a Saturday night. Point is people don't want integrate they just want to be in their own little communitys with no interest in what happens outside of said community.
Can't win - First people wanted them to "integrate" and convert to Christianity, now they are doing it, it's for a VISA :D
Actually most people could not care about conversions to Christianity. Evangelising Christians are as ugly as any other sect offering salvation above all others.
Particularly as it seems they are inluding an increased chance of being British together with that of entering the kingdom of heaven. To some of us the two are obviously the same.thing.
“A few places in Gateshead where ONLY Jewish people can live?”
That’s a bit of a stretch isn’t it?
I don’t suppose that I’ve been to Gateshead for 45 + years, but I doubt there’s anywhere there where only Jewish people can live, in fact I can’t imagine that there’s anywhere in U.K. where only people of a certain denomination can live.
I’m guessing that you mean that these places are like Stamford Hill or Golders Green in London, populated almost entirely by Jewish people, but there are bound to be a few Gentiles who think that they are nice areas, and move there.
A bit like Notting Hill and Brixton, where the newly arrived West Indians gravitated to in the Fifties when they first started to arrive in London, on the basis that you feel more comfortable surrounded by people like yourself, who look like you and sound like you.
so you go on a rant without reading either of the articles? are you jewish in defence mode?
no one was attacking any jews.... just pointing out that it's a thing that helps jewish people stay with their religion...... holy moly....

go read the damn article it's plain as day in there......
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-53923914 < =- click me ............


ONLY JEWS ARE ALLOWED TO BUY THE HOUSES. even the original article said that with a link to the site I'm linking you now JESUS CHRIST MAN.

why the hell do people post links as evidence if people don't click them and go on a rant about how it's not possible no no....

I only brought it up because someone asked why would muslims lose their religion in a few generations when other religions like jewish people don't lose faith.......

#Free Palestine.
Atrocious to keep another population locked up in a massive camp.... reminds me of ww2 absolutely disgusting
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“A few places in Gateshead where ONLY Jewish people can live?”
That’s a bit of a stretch isn’t it?
I don’t suppose that I’ve been to Gateshead for 45 + years, but I doubt there’s anywhere there where only Jewish people can live, in fact I can’t imagine that there’s anywhere in U.K. where only people of a certain denomination can live.
I’m guessing that you mean that these places are like Stamford Hill or Golders Green in London, populated almost entirely by Jewish people, but there are bound to be a few Gentiles who think that they are nice areas, and move there.
A bit like Notting Hill and Brixton, where the newly arrived West Indians gravitated to in the Fifties when they first started to arrive in London, on the basis that you feel more comfortable surrounded by people like yourself, who look like you and sound like you.

You didn't read the sources did you? There are literally estates being built for Jewish habitation only.
22 people who didn't make it out of a concert alive would probably disagree with you.

This conversation about different "communities" reminds me of what Christopher Hitchens said in a video years ago....

"Cultural suicide. Don't let it happen to you. Don't let it happen where you live. Look at how wonderfully it worked in Northern Ireland when it was allowed to segregate Protestant and Catholic schools.

[Hitchens internal dialogue:] 'After all they have different faiths. Oh they do? I thought they were both Christians. I can't arbitrate between this. No, they should have separate schools which should never meet, never inter-marry. Never socialise.'

How beautifully that worked out. Now lets have it for Jews and Muslims on the mainland. Let them lie to their children and let them all give their special myth. Let them all say to them that they're different.

Not tell them that they're members of a civil society. Or a country. Or a nation. Let them denominate themselves by faith. Can't wait to see what happens. I think I know what's coming. I don't want my beloved country of birth to be turned into some ******* Lebanon by people of faith. I don't want it. I'm going to fight it too. And you should get ready to fight it when they try it in your case. Don't allow this, Putting the word faith in front of something is no excuse for barbarism and cruelty and ignorance and stupidity...."

My daughter goes to a Church of England school, where church attendance and religion is the main criteria for entry (apart from care needs). It classes itself as a faith school and they have prayers and get taught predominantly about Christianity in R. E.

This has been going on for hundreds of years in the UK. I'd be a hypocrite for saying that those of other religions can't also have their own faith based schools.

Narrow minded people will be narrow minded regardless of religion, ideology, culture and race.

People were segregating when Britain was all white and Christian. Middle class white people live in their own neighbourhoods. Working class white people live amongst themselves. Gangs had their own territory that other gangs weren't allowed into.

As always, you're making out like the majority of people are to blame for the actions of a minority.

What outweighs the bodycount?

A pretty tragic way of looking at it. The bomb wasn't carried out on behalf of all non-Christian, non-White religions. It was a religious nutter, acting as part of a small cell of other religious nutters.

Growing up around other cultures has taught me how there is no single world view, nor one right way of living your life. If everyone had the same mindset, there would be a hell of a let less conflict in the world.

Some of the most welcoming households I've ever been in are Pakistani, Muslim households. Every job I've ever had, had a mixture of cultures that made them far more interesting places to work.

The vast majority of 2nd generation migrants are pretty westernised anyway, and have similar values and aspirations to us. For most of my friends who are from a different ethnicity or culture, it's mainly about making enough money to buy themselves a nice car, house or whatever else. They are more westernised and capitalist than me.

Like anything, the media are good at making out like a small number of bad apples represents the whole orchard.

Really positives? Like what? The Jews live in their area the Pakistanis live in their area with very little "integration". Only good thing about multiculturalism is I can get a decent curry on a Saturday night. Point is people don't want integrate they just want to be in their own little communitys with no interest in what happens outside of said community.

I've spent my whole life in Manchester and 99% of the trouble I've encountered or witnessed has been by white British people. Even when it's not, black on black or brown on brown violence is far more common than black on white or brown on white.

Look at places like Wigan, Tyldesley, Atherton, Leigh. They have hideous drug, poverty and violence problems and are predominantly white British. None of the problems there are due to immigration or different religions. There's a murder there almost every week and always a working class white guy that commits it.

The orthodox Jews may not integrate much but they are friendly and harmless. The area they live in is so relatively small in the grand scheme of things that it has no impact on my life, and I live less than 2 miles away. How people can be so bothered about Jewish areas, when they live hundreds of miles away, I don't know.

White British people live in their own enclaves too. I'd argue us brits are quite possibly the worst at integration out of everyone.
....This has been going on for hundreds of years in the UK. I'd be a hypocrite for saying that those of other religions can't also have their own faith based schools.

Like anything, the media are good at making out like a small number of bad apples represents the whole orchard.

I've spent my whole life in Manchester and 99% of the trouble I've encountered or witnessed has been by white British people. Even when it's not, black on black or brown on brown violence is far more common than black on white or brown on white.

Look at places like Wigan, Tyldesley, Atherton, Leigh. They have hideous drug, poverty and violence problems and are predominantly white British. None of the problems there are due to immigration or different religions. There's a murder there almost every week and always a working class white guy that commits it.

Heh imagine that, the majority of crimes in the UK being carried out by white people.... next youll be telling me the most crimes in Nigeria are carried out by black people.

It is a small number of Muslims yes, that have killed hundreds and hundreds of people in Europe alone over the last ten years.

What we could do is say no one has any faith schools, I mean its probably too late now were on a path, should be "interesting" to see how it pans out over the next 20-30years.
It is interesting to note that Jewish groups are doing exactly what the belarussians are doing


Possibly with the same intentions.

Why don't these groups offer to take these immigrants to Israel instead of sending them to Europe if they want to help them? Israel is a rich country so would be ideally situated to help them.
Really positives? Like what? The Jews live in their area the Pakistanis live in their area with very little "integration". Only good thing about multiculturalism is I can get a decent curry on a Saturday night. Point is people don't want integrate they just want to be in their own little communitys with no interest in what happens outside of said community.

I think there's more potent variables at play here than just a natural inclination to huddle around like-minded people, there's the ability to afford to live somewhere, the local economic activity in our service-based economy which incentivises dense urban settlements, there's historical (domino effect) and (to a far lesser degree) contemporary racism that pushed/pushes people to gravitate towards similar communities, another factor would be the small town mentality where outsiders are treated like the plague regardless of where they come from. I'm sure I'm missing other factors, but needless to say I would think the absolute biggest contribution will be regarding the economic issues at play, everything else is likely just a bonus in comparison.

I'm of the opinion that the one of the biggest reasons that some people in this country might be agitated by the nature of these communities is that their own community has collapsed to service the needs of our brutal individualism which has imo gone way too far. Rather than trying to blame these people for building communities, perhaps we should focus on rowing back this deeply unsatisfying society we've developed on the alter of equity and rent-seeking.
I'm of the opinion that the one of the biggest reasons that some people in this country might be agitated by the nature of these communities is that their own community has collapsed to service the needs of our brutal individualism which has imo gone way too far. Rather than trying to blame these people for building communities, perhaps we should focus on rowing back this deeply unsatisfying society we've developed on the alter of equity and rent-seeking.

You've summed up my exact thoughts on most of the societal issues in the UK very nicely there.

Lack of a community and belonging is the real downfall of our society. It has lead to greed, individualism and paranoia.

Most of these people causing atrocities are loners, or part of a very small extreme group of people. They don't have the societal networks to gain a wider world view and become more empathetic towards thosenthey see as 'others'.

The same can be said for a lot of posters in this thread unfortunately. I get the feeling that a lot of the regular posters in here probably spend more time online in their room than they do in the real world, interacting with people from all walks of life.
so you go on a rant without reading either of the articles? are you jewish in defence mode?
no one was attacking any jews.... just pointing out that it's a thing that helps jewish people stay with their religion...... holy moly....

go read the damn article it's plain as day in there......
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-53923914 < =- click me ............


ONLY JEWS ARE ALLOWED TO BUY THE HOUSES. even the original article said that with a link to the site I'm linking you now JESUS CHRIST MAN.

why the hell do people post links as evidence if people don't click them and go on a rant about how it's not possible no no....

I only brought it up because someone asked why would muslims lose their religion in a few generations when other religions like jewish people don't lose faith.......

#Free Palestine.
Atrocious to keep another population locked up in a massive camp.... reminds me of ww2 absolutely disgusting

In no particular order, you’re right, I didn’t read either of the articles, my bad, no excuses.
I have gone on a rant? Moi? Are you sure?
Seems more like the pot calling the kettle black to me, I could take ranting pointers from your post.
No I’m neither Jewish nor in defence mode, at a push I guess I’d be C of E, but aside from being Christened and married in one, I’ve done my best to swerve churches all my life.
I didn’t say that it’s not possible, (houses for Jews only), I said that I can’t imagine that there’s anywhere in Gateshead where only Jews can live, (remember that I neglected to read the articles), my bad again, as I’ve already owned up to.
I can only hope that you’ve calmed down enough to recognise that my reply is not a rant either.

RANT : speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.
A tirade
A diatribe

I see that he converted to Christianity according to the British media. Does that make him a fundamentalist Christian suicide bomber? Maybe Jesus offered him 100 virgins in the afterlife? Also Mental health issues…

Thankfully Christian suicide bombers seem fairly rare….:rolleyes:
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It is interesting to note that Jewish groups are doing exactly what the belarussians are doing

Possibly with the same intentions.

Why don't these groups offer to take these immigrants to Israel instead of sending them to Europe if they want to help them? Israel is a rich country so would be ideally situated to help them.
There was probably an article the next day about the anti-Semitic conspiracy trope canard that Jews pay for 3rd world immigration.
A bit of Daily Mail insight.

Emad Al Swealmeen, who was baptised and confirmed at the city's Anglican cathedral in 2017, was seen worshipping during Ramadan and praying with a Muslim friend in the week before Sunday's attack, it is alleged.

The revelation will further fuel suspicion that his conversion to Christianity four years ago was just an act to persuade the Home Office to grant him British citizenship and prevent them deporting him because he had found Jesus.

Found Jesus...
I see that he converted to Christianity according to the British media. Does that make him a fundamentalist Christian suicide bomber? Maybe Jesus offered him 100 virgins in the afterlife? Also Mental health issues…

Thankfully Christian suicide bombers seem fairly rare….:rolleyes:

What the media won't tell you is that he went to the mosque everyday.

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