Sunday roast condiments

Blackpudding with turkey and chicken.

Mint jelly (not sauce) with lamb
A mate of mine once let a guy he knew stay with him for a few days, by way of thanks the guys mother made them a roast dinner with all the meats. As my friend had to work from home that day the guy went to pick the dinner up for him, he couldn't wait and he genuinely loves a good home made meal. Didn't have a bite to eat the day before, literally starved himself because he wanted to make the most out of a huge home made roast dinner. When it arrived everything was packed separately in foil containers, or on plates with foil wrap.

My mate opened the chicken container, only to be absolutely aghast. Same with the beef and pork, and possibly the worst of them all the Lamb. He looked up at his grinning friend, who happily informed him that as he didn't know which condiments he wanted, he just used them all. Every ounce of the meat was coated in ketchup, brown sauce, mint sauce, mustard, apple sauce, salad cream, and apparently one or two other things that were unidentifiable. Suffice it to say he had a very nice plate of vegetables and didn't touch any of the meat. The guy couldn't understand the problem, thought it was perfectly normal and that everyone ate dinner that way.
Black pudding with a roast could be an absolute revelation for me. I love the stuff, but never thought of having it with a roast.

Do you still fry it as normal?
Last week a Facebook post by a friend made me seriously re-evaluate our friendship when I spotted that he had ketchup on his roast beef dinner. Such abominations have no place in the civilised world.

It got me thinking about whether my own choices of condiments were right or if I indeed was making some terrible mistakes. The way I see it is this. The following foods belong with the following things:

Beef - Horseradish or mustard
Lamb - Mint Sauce
Chicken and Turkey - Cranberry or mustard
Pork and Gammon - Mustard or apple sauce
Nut roast - The bin

I obviously have a nice dash of salt and pepper and while there is no place for ketchup, I do enjoy a splash of brown sauce with my roast.

I haven't mentioned gravy as that is surely a given on any form of roast dinner.

Are my choices the correct way to go or am I missing any superior choices? Whats your particular fave?
My husband douses all food in either mayonnaise, tomato sauce or BBQ sauce....why I bother cooking anything, I don't know? If I served him a kitchen sponge smothered in afore mentioned sauces he would happily eat it. I do like a nice bernaise on roast beef or steak
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