Super Mario Bros

Trailer was perfect until Mario spoke. It's just... his normal Chris Pratt voice? Compared to Bowser who I didn't even realise was Jack Black until I looked it up.
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Couple of important things to take note from them statements:

"Nintendo hasn't officially declared Mario is a Japanese character with an Italian name. Uemura has been retired from Nintendo since 2004, so his take on Mario's origins has first-hand credibility but not the company's seal of approval."

"Despite Uemera being the creator of the NES, his take on Mario's heritage is unlikely to change the way the character is perceived. At this point, Mario is an Italian to anyone who cares enough to know anything about him. The fact that Nintendo has never officially called him Japanese means this is likely to remain apocryphal in the Mario canon"

This is own perception of Mario. Not fact. The wikis and rest of the world pertain the fact he is Italian.

Also: By Miyamoto's own account, Mario's profession was chosen to fit with the game design: since Donkey Kong takes place on a construction site, Jumpman/Mario was made into a carpenter; and when he appeared again in Mario Bros., it was decided that he should be a plumber, because a lot of the game is situated in underground settings. Mario's character design, particularly his large nose, draws on western influences; once he became a plumber, Miyamoto decided to "put him in New York" and make him Italian, lightheartedly attributing Mario's nationality to his mustache.
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I think the film could be quite good. I absolutely hate it when animated films use big name actors for voice work purely for the name. Christ Pratt just being Chris Pratt is going to be very jarring.
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